Pushed Too Far

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                Tobias's POV
      I wake to Tris turning in her sleep, out it my arms. I rub my eyes, letting them adjust to the light. Moving down to her stomach, the sheets shift, almost waking her.
    "Hey, baby," I say, kissing her stomach. "I'm sorry for the way I acted when mommy first told me about you. I really hope you never get a feeling that didn't want you, it's just scary. You see, my father wasn't good to me and my mom, I'm scared I'll be like that to you and mommy. My dads dad was mean yo him too, its like a stream, but I'm not gonna allow myself to be like that.
     Your mom us everything to me, before her I didn't know what I was living for. One of these days you'll ask me how I know these things, and hopefully I'll be able to answer. Just know I love you so much," I say, kissing her stomach. Looking back up, Tris is now awake, listening to me. "How much did you hear?"
     "A good portion," she says with a smile, covering her body with the sheet. Moving up, she presses herself against me. "You won't be like him, you're not like him. If you were, I wouldn't be here with you right now, carrying your baby. I love you," she says.
   "I love you too." Leaning in, she kisses me ever so softly, our lips barley touching. I spit a bruise on her wrist from last night.
    "Its nothing, you know I bruise easier from training. You could have been holding me as gently as you could and I would bruise," she tells me. I nod, hugging her against my body.
    "I just want to lay in bed with you all day and do nothing," I mumble against her shoulder.
    "So do I, but my parents want us to come over for dinner," she says. I groan, burring my face in her neck.
   "How great."
                   Tris's POV

      "The last time I was on a train we bad just got together," I say, smiling at the memory. "I had never been kissed like that before." Tobias wraps his arms around my waist as I enjoy the wind whipping against my hair.
     "Neither had I, and trust me I enjoyed it," he says, kissing my neck. I rest my head on his chest, enjoying the feeling. Even after last night, I can't get enough right now. He pulls back and looks out of the train. "Time to jump. Make sure not to land on your stomach or sides," he tells me.
   "I will," I say. We take a few steps back before jumping off the moving train. My legs hurt at the harsh impact. He dusts his hands off his jeans and takes my hand. I can sense his anxiety of being back here. "Its okay." He looks down at me.
    "I know," he says. We walk through the rows if plain grey houses until we reach my parents. Looking back at Tobias, his eyes are glued on the house next to my parents.
    "Was that it?" I ask hesitantly.
    "Yeah, we were neighbors and little did we know we'd be here today," he says. I lean up and kiss him briefly before knocking on the door. The door opens, my mom standing in the door way with a bright smile.
    "I'm so happy to see you two again," she says, hugging the both of us, disobeying abnegation regulations. "You father is speaking with... I'll tell him to leave through the back door," she says. 
    "Its fine, Mrs.Prior," Tobias tells her. She gives him a soft smile. "You look even more beautiful than the last time I seen you."
    "Thank you." My dad walks out with Marcus close behind. I press my hand to his amity symbol.
    "Beatrice, Son, what a pleasure to see you both again, and back at your roots," he says. His boys makes my skin crawl with disgust. He steps forward as of he's moving in for a hug, but tibias stands in front of me, his hand, as if its a new instinct, guarding my stomach. "That's a surprise. Have something you'd like to announce?"
  My parents eyes trail down to his hand that hasn't moved. "Step back," Tobias orders. Marcus surprisingly does as told.
    "I'm not that messed up."
    "Don't underestimate yourself," he fires back. I take his hand and drop it to his side.
   "So you knocked her up?" He asks. "See this is why you should wait til marriage to have sex, now your stuck with a whore," he says.
     "Could you have some respect in a faction where that language isn't appreciated?" I snap at him.
   "Your the one that's disrespecting the faction. Your unmarried, sixteen, and pregnant," he says. I step in front of Tobias, ready to beat the silver hears ass. "Getting mad are we? I always had a feeling you'd have a thing for the feisty ones. Tell me, is she this bold in bed?"
    That's enough. I grab him by the collar of his grey sweater and knee him in the gut, making him double over. Pushing him to the ground, I punch him in the face time and time again, releasing all my emotions. Tobias has to pry me away from his deaf beat father. Marcus stumbles once he stands, his face covered in blood.
    "Dinner another time?"
     I sit on the bathroom counter as Tobias washes the blood off my knuckles. "I should learn to control my anger," I say with a nervous chuckle.
   "Its fine, you do better than I do. He just finally pushed you too far. I'm sorry we couldn't have dinner with your parents," he says. I shrug.
    "At least now we get to spend the rest of the night together. I'm gonna sleep at home tonight sense I gave work early in the morning," I tell him.
    "Are you excited about moving in a few days?" He asks.
   "No. Should I be?"
   "I don't think so. Just be prepared for loud music some mornings." I chuckle, kissing his cheek.
    "I'm prepared."

AN: A "calm" chapter for you guys. Please comment and share! Be brave 🔪🔪🔪 -Vaeh

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