Think Before You Speak

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                    Tris's POV
    After my parents say their goodbyes and leave, someone knocks on my door, making me jump. I'm so used to having someone with me now and now it's nothing but silence.
     My eyes lock with Tobias's once the door is open. "Hey," he says. "C-can I come in and talk to you?" I nod slowly. He walks in and closes the door. I sit back down on the couch, putting the blanket back over me. I didn't make it to my bed last night. 
     "I'm sorry for blocking you our, it was wrong and I broke that promise. It's tearing me apart to know that these dreams might become true one day and that I'm-I'm becoming-"
    "Less Four and more Tobias?" She finishes. I nod. "You do realize that your only like that with me right?"
   "I know, but it still bothers me. I wasn't expecting this-this relationship to be as serious as it is-"
    "So I was only meant to be a fling?" I ask. He tugs at his hair, groaning in frustration. "Tobias, I might have fallen in love with Four first, but I love you more. I honestly would hate it if you treated me the same way you do everyone else. You have to let go of a small amount of your pride. When you didn't try and stop me from leaving, I was sure things wouldn't be the same or that you just would give up on this."
     "Tris, I can't give up on this," he says, sitting down next to me. He takes my hand and kisses it. "I talked to your dad and realized things. I have to let go of my fear of hurting you and just prove to myself and you that I'm better than my father was. I want everything with you."
     "And what does that mean?"
    "A life, a better one than we have now. Living together, getting married, having kids, growing old together," he says, letting out a shakey breath. "I love you."
    "I love you too. And I never gave my answer to if I would move in with you or not," I say. He brushes my hair to the side. "My answer is yes."
    "Thank, god. What I said before would be very embarrassing if you said no," he says. I smile, leaning in and kissing him. His hands snake up to my waist, pulling me closer to him. I wrap my arms around his shoulders, clenching his shirt. "I don't want to go too far without knowing you want this."
    "Can we just find out?" I ask. He nods, pulling me back. He kisses the base of my neck, touching my skin gently. I yawn, lack of sleep now effecting me. He pulls back, smirking.
    "Let's just sleep for now. The last thing I want is for you to fall asleep on me while doing something." Scratching the back of my neck, I get up with my blanket still in hand. His hand presses to the small of my back as he follows me to the room.
    I get in bed and tap the spot next to me since he just lingers in place. He removes his shirt and shoes and gets in with me, pulling me close to him from behind. His chest is cold on my back. "I'm so tired," I mumble, turning and moving a little further away from him.
    "Then get some sleep," he says, kissing my forehead.
    "You too then." He looks up at the ceiling. I know why he hasn't been getting much sleep and it breaks my heart to know he's too scared of the dreams to sleep. "I'll fight off the bad dreams."
    "With what?" He chuckles.
   "My bare hands obviously."

AN: Another update will come today as an apology for the delayed update. For some reason I couldn't figure out how to end the chapter (so that means I've had the beginning written for almost a week now). I'm terrible hehehe. I made a Instagram based around my makeup and would really REALLY appreciate it of you checked it out (The link is in my bio). Please comment and share! Be brave 🔪🔪🔪 -Vaeh

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