Shower Thoughts

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"Go on and shake your head and tell me that I'm wrong" -Ask Me How I Know by Garth Brooks
Tris's POV

The cuts sting in the water, making me wince. I look down at them in shock that I actually did that to myself. Never in my life did the thought of holding a razor blade to my skin cross my mind.
Strong arms wrap around my waist, pulling me close. I turn around and look up at Tobias. He gives me a tired smile. "How do you feel?" He asks.
"Tired, but good," I say. He nods and kisses my forehead. "What made you think I wanted you in here with me, sir?" I ask playfully.
"I could leave," he says, turning around and pulling the curtain open. I slap his ass, laughing a little. He looks at me with a cocked a brow. "I swear your bipolar."
"That I might be," I say. He closes the curtain again and places his hands back on my back. With his free hand he reaches behind me and makes the water cold. I press myself closer to him to try and escape it. He makes it warm again.
"That feel good?"
"No," I say.
"At least now your where I want you," he says with a grin. I realize we're both pressed completely against each other. I rest mg head on his chest and close my eyes.
"I love you," I say.
"I love you too."
Tobias's POV

"Don't even try and lie about it. Your so whipped," Uriah says as he sits down between Hannah and Marlene. I roll my eyes at him.
"Your wring. Your whipped and that's okay. I seen you with her yesterday. That's some love story shit," Zeke says as he walks in. I groan in frustration with them.
"I still haven't met her. When will that happen?" Hannah asks me. I look at her nervously. She might be nice and sweet, but around new people she's as cold as ice.
"Soon," I say.
"You guys could come over here for dinner tonight," she says with a smile.
"Of course."

I walk inside Tris and Christina's apartment and go to her room. She lays asleep on the bed with nothing but a robe on that's slipping from her shoulder. I walk over and kiss her exposed shoulder. She mumbles something.
"Wake up," I say. Nothing. I grab the coffee cup that's on her nightstand and tap it against the mental or the bed. She shoots up. "Haven't done that in a while."
"Felt like I was back in initiation," she says with a small smile, rubbing her eyes. I sit down next to her.
"How do you feel about meeting someone today?" I aso nervously.
"Depends on the person," she says.
"Hannah. Zeke and Uriah's mother." Her eyes widen.
"Your unbiological mother?" She asks.
"She invited us over for dinner cause she wants to meet you," I say. "Robert might be there too." She groans, laying back down.
"Anxiety just won't stop," she says. I lay down with her, playing with her hair.
"I know, I'm sorry. If I could go back and decline her offer I would," I say.
"No, it's fine. I just don't feel so great. I'll go get ready."

AN: The next chapter will be the dinner. Please comment and share! Be brave 🔪🔪🔪. -Vaeh

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