Chapter 13: its time to stop

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@zayn: you know what I just realized

@lewis: that ur dumb

@niall: are you in second grade ??

@lewis: lolz no but funny story

@lewis: I had to redo second grade bc there was this fucker nick that used to steal my erasers during work time so I took our class pet hermit crab and put it down his shirt when he was playing with blocks . that bitch had a sore nipple for weeks

@zayn: can I finish now

@lewis: oh zayn . sorry forgot you were here

@zayn: that reminds me

@zayn: hey niall, remember what happened in November last year ?

@niall: uh

@niall: thanksgiving ?

@zayn: of course you don't remember . you couldn't even remember harrys birthday

@Harry_Styles: that's true , I can confirm

@niall: ok get to the point


@zayn: hey guys I know I fucked up but I wanna rejoin if that's ok (:

@Harry_Styles: *read at 3:34pm*

@LiamPayne: *read at 3:38pm*

@NiallOfficial: wtf you left ??

~end of flashback~

@niall: oh yeaH

@niall: sorry I just have really bad memory loss

@zayn: were you dropped on your head a lot as a child

@niall: I used to fall off the rock wall at recess on purpose bc the teacher felt bad and gave me snacks

@Harry_Styles: I used to eat glue

@lewis: i thought the class fish were drowning in kindergarten so i took them all out and put them on the table so they could breathe again

@lewis: fun fact

@lewis: i killed them

@Harry_Styles: well this took a turn



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@lewis: ur four years too late with that meme

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@lewis: ur four years too late with that meme

@lewis: put it away

@niall: I'll put you away

@niall: woAh

@niall: nOt wHat I mEanT

@Harry_Styles: that's my fookin job ya fookin loosah

@lewis: hey hey harold

@lewis: you should come over this weekend (; my mum is going on a three day shopping trip with our neighbor

@niall: you two act like horny high schoolers

@lewis: shut ur halfway pie hole


@Harry_Styles: it's time to stop

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@Harry_Styles: it's time to stop

@lewis: so what do ya say harold

@lewis: this weekend (;

@niall: make sure to leave room for Jesus

@lewis: you know what niall

@lewis: if ur just going to harass me then I suggest u leave

@niall: thanks for the advice but no

@Harry_Styles: louis, if you behave I'll think about coming over

@lewis: ((:

@lewis: i deeply apologize for any harm I've caused u niall

@niall: do you smell that

@niall: smells like bullshit

@lewis: ok u know what

@lewis: I tried being nice but ur gonna be a little cunt again

@Harry_Styles: niall cmon

@niall: he cannot he trusted harry

@lewis: i literally haven't done anything to u

@niall: wrong

@lewis: what did I do

@niall: you stole my best friend from me

@Harry_Styles: niall I'm still your best friend ):

@niall: not like we used to be . but thats ok bc I have michael now

@Harry_Styles: who's michael

@niall: someone cooler than you

@lewis: doubt it

@Harry_Styles: fine be that way. I'll mail my friendship bracelet to your house

@zayn: am I witnessing a divorce

@Harry_Styles: yes

@niall: harry pls

@Harry_Styles: don't "harry pls" me . you brought this upon yourself

@niall: at least michael likes golf

@Harry_Styles: at least louis likes dick

@lewis: HARRY

@niall: wha

@LiamPayne: this is getting out of hand

@lewis: dad help

@Harry_Styles: I'll be there Saturday morning lou ((:



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