Chapter 41: djgracieg

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@niall: pst guys

@lewis: go away u peen

@niall: i kinda post screenshots of our convos and this girl keeps replying "FUCKING KING" on every one and i'm scared

@LiamPayne: add her

(@niall added @djgracieg to the chat)

@zayn: whomst the fuck is that

@djgracieg: OMG HI KINGS

@niall: i told u liam

@zayn: i'm with gigi rn do not bother me

@LiamPayne: prove it bitch


@zayn: goodbye

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@zayn: goodbye

@LiamPayne: remember that i get the night shift 😘

@niall: zayn u look thin ):

@djgracieg: but his girlfriend a whole snacc so he cOULD be eating her but 👀

@lewis: oh wow-

@niall: oh no we have another addition to the homo squad

@djgracieg: IMNOT GAY

@niall: they never listen sweetie i'm sorry

@lewis: it's ok we accept u

@djgracieg: IM NOT

@djgracieg: QUIT

@djgracieg: STOP THE ABUSE



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