Chapter 56: spoopynatural

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@niall: do u guys think ghosts are real

@lewis: hmm

@lewis: I'm gonna go with no

@LiamPayne: wdym "no"

@lewis: i mean... no

@LiamPayne: they're real

@lewis: wait

(@lewis added @Harry_Styles to the chat)

@LiamPayne: wait

(@LiamPayne added @zayn to the chat)

@Harry_Styles: what's happening

@niall: do you believe in spoopynatural

@zayn: eh... i don't care

@Harry_Styles: uHM !! YES !!

@lewis: you guys snorted 4 lines before coming online today didn't you

@Harry_Styles: lemme tell you a story okay

@Harry_Styles: so one day i whipped out a ouija board with my friend


@lewis: wow i didn't know you were such a big boy

@LiamPayne: NO


@Harry_Styles: and we both like.. really didn't think it was going to work. we waited almost 10 minutes and nothing happened

@Harry_Styles: but then that shit started moving

@Harry_Styles: and bil was being a meanie

@lewis: uhM who the fuck is bil 😡

@Harry_Styles: the ghost boy that's in love with me


@niall: oh my god

@LiamPayne: harry...

@lewis: PARDON ?? ME ?? SIR ???

@lewis: you're just saying this to make me jealous 😴

@Harry_Styles: i wish i was boobear

@niall: boo- that name is so old shut up

@Harry_Styles: weLL I LIKE IT

@Harry_Styles: aNYGAYS !

@lewis: hmph

@lewis: i would leave the chat in a fit of rage but this is interesting

@Harry_Styles: okay so i was like "do u wanna hurt me?" and bil said "yes"

@Harry_Styles: and i asked why

@Harry_Styles: and he said "love"

@lewis: 😤😤😤

@Harry_Styles: and the thing is like.. he kept coming back too. we were talking to my friend's grandma and he interrupted

@niall: harry you're fucked

@LiamPayne: bil is coming for you

@Harry_Styles: so i didn't like subconsciously move it or anything cuz i was letting my friend talk to his grandma like bitch i wasn't thinking about bil

@zayn: STOP

@zayn: RN

@niall: every time you bring someone home bil is gonna kill them

@zayn: JDFJKAJ

@lewis: zayn i thought you said you didn't care



@lewis: we been knew

@lewis: it's mine

@lewis: please don't touch the art

@zayn: SHUT

@Harry_Styles: anyway bil is 18

@Harry_Styles: but i also have a girl named willow who's 22

@niall: dang harry you pullin

@lewis: WAIT

@lewis: a vaGINA ????????

@LiamPayne: another ghost?

@Harry_Styles: yeah

@lewis: WHAT THE FUCK !!!!

@Harry_Styles: and when we were talking to her i kept asking my friend "are you fucking moving it" and i asked him like 10 million times

@Harry_Styles: and willow spelled out "nag"

@LiamPayne: so ur house is haunted. I'm never coming over again

@Harry_Styles: like neither me or my friend uses the word "nag"

@Harry_Styles: tbh i just think IM haunted KSKFLF

@niall: you probably are

@LiamPayne: you need holy water

@lewis: .... this is the biggest load of bullshit i've ever heard

@Harry_Styles: you don't believe me? :(

@lewis: no. no i don't

@niall: relationships are supposed to be built on trust :(

@lewis: we're talking about ghOSTS

@lewis: the rule doesn't apply

@zayn: i might have to blocc

@Harry_Styles: you guys should come over and do the ouija board with me

@LiamPayne: i never knew you were this dark what the fuck

@zayn: nO

@niall: dark harry rise !

@lewis: i'm coming over tomorrow

@lewis: and I'm going to get rid of this bil bitch

@niall: no omfg we're all gonna die

@LiamPayne: ...

@LiamPayne: as scared as i am,,, i kinda wanna go

@zayn: UHM NO

@niall: .....

@LiamPayne: i'll pick you up at noon zaynie

@zayn: nO

@niall: .....

@niall: fuck



another chapter written by grace (;

get spoopy

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