Chapter 15: quack

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@lewis: hey harry can I come to ur house instead

@Harry_Styles: uhm sure that's fine

@lewis: good bc im on your doorstep and im kinda freezing out here


Louis tucked his phone into his pocket and listened carefully to his surroundings. He rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet and heard rustling inside the house. A smile graced his lips the moment he heard the doorknob turning. The second the door opened wide, he threw himself into the arms of the person that was standing behind it.

He smiled when a pair of strong arms wrapped around his waist tightly and lifted him a few inches off the ground. Louis had his arms around Harry's neck and he smiled down at him when he finally pulled his head back. He was still mesmerized by this boy's beauty.

They were lost in each other's eyes, beginning to lean in when they heard someone clearing their throat behind them. Harry quickly, but carefully, set Louis back onto the ground and turned to look at Niall who was standing there awkwardly.

Niall walked up to Louis, analyzing him for a moment. "Wow, you're shorter than the last time I saw you."

"Wow, you're still a bitch just like the last time I saw you." Louis shot back before grinning. "Good to see ya, bread."

Niall rolled his eyes and just strolled into the living room. He fell onto the couch and grabbed the remote to turn on the TV. "Go fuck somewhere else. Or just holler down to turn the TV up so I won't hear anything."

"Fuck off, shroom." Louis then turned to face Harry, smiling. "So, Harold. You said you have lots planned?"

Harry's eyes lit up, a reaction Louis could not see when texting behind a phone screen, and it made his heart swell. "Oh my gosh, yes! I made a list. Hold on, let me go upstairs and grab it." He finished as he rushed up the stairs, Louis eyeing his cute bum as he went with a small smile on his lips.

Louis should've known Niall was going to say something while Harry wasn't in the room. "So, Louis."

"So, Neil." Louis replied, pacing the entrance of the house.

"You are aware that if you hurt my best friend, I'll kill you, right?"

"Trust me, I'm fully aware of that and I would never hurt Harry. I would hate myself for the rest of my life if I did." Louis said, more to himself than Niall. "No worries, Barbie."

Before Niall could respond, footsteps were heard and suddenly Harry came bounding down the stairs, a huge grin on his lips with both of his dimples indenting his cheeks. It was quite adorable, Louis thought.

He held a small piece of notebook paper, neat handwriting sprawled across it. "Okay, so, number one on the list is... feed the ducks!"

Louis cocked an eyebrow. "That sounds so much like a you thing to do." He chuckled quietly.

"You don't like it?" Harry asked, his shoulders drooping and a sad look crossing his face that made Louis kick himself when seeing him like that.

"No, no, it's perfect. When do you want to do it, love?" Louis asked, attempting to brighten his mood again.

Harry looked down, seeming to be scanning the list, before he looked up and met Louis' eyes. "Now?"

Louis smiled, grabbing Harry's coat from the rack beside him and helping him into it. "Sounds perfect."

As soon as they were ready, Harry bid a goodbye to Niall, who was watching some cooking show, and followed Louis out the door. It was a breezy day, only around thirty degrees, and cloudy. Louis shoved his hands into his pockets, trying to warm up, and Harry did the same. A moment of silence stretched on between the two.

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