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Joeys POV

"Joey get your ass down here!" I hear my dad yell from down stairs, anger filling his voice. I roll my eyes and slide off of my bed, it being Saturday I stayed in bed all day.

I slide my feet as I walk out of my room and down the squeaky wooden stair case. I look around the living room before walking into the messy kitchen, peaking over the cabinets to see him smoking near the sink.

"Yes dad?" I say, very annoyed from him making me get out of bed. "Where the fuck is Andrew?" He asks me, putting out his cigarette.

Andrew, my bigger brother. Him being smarter, more handsome, talented, and straight makes him perfect in my dads eyes. But he has a problem with parties, he always sneaks out of the house and goes over to Daisy's house. I just roll my eyes and say, "he is over Daisy's house, it's her dogs birthday or what ever and she is holding a party."

He slams his hand down on the counter and yells, "Why didn't you stop him?!" I just sigh out before shaking my head.

"Okay I'm not his father, you are... I'm not supposed to keep track of my older brother, he is almost an adult, stop worrying." I say, beginning to walk out of the kitchen and back up the stairs.

I slide into my room and open my dresser, getting out a box of cigarettes and my lighter. I climb out of my window, climbing on to the roof.

I take a cigarette out of the box and light it, quickly taking a puff, letting the smoke fill my lungs.

I blow out the smoke and just stare at a flickering street light. My phone buzzes and I immediately take it out of my pocket, a text from Andrew.

Andrew: hey joey I'll be home tomorrow morning, stay safe okay bud?

I'll try, text me when you're almost here

Andrew: good night

I shut off my phone before I take another puff of my cigarette. I sigh out and close my eyes for a long period of time.

After the cigarette is gone I flick the butt out of my hand and pull my legs up to my chest.

No I'm not addicted to smoking, I do it either when I'm stressed or when my dad is being an asshole to me, which is almost everyday I guess.

I don't feel the need to smoke until someone triggers me or whatever. Me having to friends makes it difficult for someone to insult me too harshly because no one knows anything about me.

No I'm not that "emo boy who hates their life" or what ever, I'm that sad, lonely, depressed kid who never speaks to anyone.

I take a deep breath of the fresh crisp air before sliding back into my window.

- - -

Great, Monday already... I think to myself as I walk into the school doors. Andrew is already so much taller than me even though he is only a year older.

I stand at maybe a five foot eight if I'm lucky, Andrew is probably six two or something. I have more of a feminine built and he is very masculine. We are exact opposites and everyone likes him one hundred percent better than me.

I'm honestly fine with it, I can focus getting out of my dark mindset instead of focusing on how many times my dick gets sucked a week.

I stop at my locker and start unlocking my lock by twisting the nob. Someone slams their hand on the locker next to me and I jump backwards.

I just look up at the boy standing in front of me, him being a little taller than Andrew. I scan his face before realizing who he is, Daniel... the Daniel Preda.

The star quarter back of Sherman Oaks High School. I sigh out before opening my locker, he just stands there looking down at me.

"You're not going to speak to me?" Daniel asks, leaning against the lockers. "I guess I am now..." I mumble and start taking out my books of my class.

"I have a question" he says, keeping his eyes on mine. "Ask away I guess..." I say before shutting my locker and putting the lock back on it.

"How come you don't look anything like your brother, there is only a year difference" he says in a cocky tone. I just roll my eyes and push past him, walking down to my first class.

I hear him run after me and I just keep walking. "When I ask a question I want it answered..." he grinds his teeth together.

"Well sometimes I don't got answers to questions you asshole. What kind of a question is asking me why I don't look like my brother? I don't fucking know ask him!" I yell at him, picking up my pace.

"There is no need to be a little bitch damn..." he mumbles before walking into our classroom.

I roll my eyes and walk to the back of the classroom, taking the seat in the back corner. I set down my books before placing my head in my arms on the desk, waiting for class to start.

Someone taps my shoulder and I just look up, seeing Michael standing there with his book bag on his shoulder.

"Why didn't you answer Daniels question" He asks me, looking down at me. "Because I know you are just being assholes about me being ugly, worthless, small, gay, and stupid...." I basically yell before placing my head back into my arms.

I sigh out when I hear him walk away, the class starting back up their scattered conversations. The teacher walks into the room and the class shuts up, I pick up my head.

I look up in the front of the class and place my head on my hand, my other hand on my thigh. I can see people staring at me but I just ignore it.

"Okay there will be a project due at the end of this quarter, there will be three people in a group and you will be making a slide show on how DNA can change the form of different organisms... you will not be paring up with people of your choice, last project someone did not have a parter and had to do twice the work" she starts to speak, everyone just turns at looks at me before mumbling. I shake my head and place it in my arms yet again, "there will be seven groups of three and one group of four. You will start today in class and working on it everyday here in class, you're allowed to work on it out of school if you like. Here are the groups...." she says, pulling out her clip board.

"Sam, Fatime, and Sophie.
Karlie, Violet, and Jason.
Jeremy, Caleb, and Katherine.
Daniella, Paige, Arianna, and McKenzie.
April, Bryan, and Colton.
John, Dante, and Eli.
Oli, Harry, and Haley.
Joey, Daniel, and Michael." She finished her list and I just look up at her. My eyes sharpen and I tense up.

This is going to kill me....

A/N: I actually hung up on a friend because I wanted to get this out as soon as possible

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