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Joeys POV

He pulls into my driveway, shutting off his car and looking over at me. I look up with wide eyes and smile at him, blinking slowly.

"I had fun..." I say, playing with my thumbs on my exposed thigh. "I did too" he says back, opening his car door to walk me up to my house.

"Hey Daniel?" I ask, also getting out of the car. He looks at me showing me I have his attention. "Do I need to give you this back?" I say, pulling on the end of his hoodie, "I'm comfortable"

"Keep it..." he replies in a lightly husky voice. He walks me to the door and I just look up at him, my hands in his hoodie pocket.

"I'll pick you up here on Friday night okay?" Daniel says so me, leaning against the wall and looking down at me. I nod my head and hug him loosely, letting my arms fall on his lower back.

"I'll see you tomorrow at school..." I say into his chest before pulling out of the hug. He nods his head and walks down the stairs, waving to me as he got into his car.

I walk into my house with the biggest smile on my face. Andrew looks up from his phone and sets it down next to him.

"I said I didn't like you hanging out with Daniel" he says to me, crossing his arms. "Well I said you aren't the boss of me" I snap back, throwing my book bag down and pushing my sticky hair out of my face.

"You're not going over his house on Friday" he says, standing up and starts to walk over to me. "Andrew we aren't going to have sex. And if we were going to, which we aren't like I said, there would be nothing wrong with it. You lost your virginity at 15, why can't I lose mine at 16?" I question, leaning against the cold wall.

"Because i didn't get fucked up the ass Joey!" He yells, throwing his arms to the side. "Well maybe I want to get fucked up the ass! You don't know what I want nor need. Just because I'm not having straight sex with anyone any time soon, doesn't mean that having gay sex is wrong... also when did you have anything against me being gay and satisfying my needs?" I ask him, pulling the hoodie to cover more of my thigh.

"So you did have sex with him!" He says louder, grinding his teeth. "No I'm not saying that Andrew. I'm saying if I were to have sex with Daniel, which isn't happening we are just friends, it wouldn't be any of your business nor your concern" I snap before walking up the staircase.

I storm into my bedroom and slam the door closed, immediately pulling my phone out of my pocket. I click on Daniels icon on my phone and pull up iMessage.

"Can you come back? Andrew is being an asshole and I want someone here..." I text him, sliding down my wall and pulling my knees up to my chest.

"Yeah, I'll be there in 5" he texts back. I smile and throw my phone up on my bed, sliding Daniels hoodie off. I run into the bathroom and hop in the shower, washing the dried Gatorade off of my body and hair.

After a few minutes of showering I get out, throwing a towel around my waist. I walk out of my bathroom to see Daniel on my bed on his phone.

"How did you get in here?" I ask, opening my drawer to get a new pair of boxers. "Door was open, I let myself in" he replies, setting his phone down.

I slide my boxers on under my towel and then drop it. I slide over to the dresser I set his hoodie on and slide it back over my head. I throw the towel in the hamper and walk over to Daniel.

"What happened between you and Andrew?" Daniel asks, placing his hand on my thigh as I sit down. "He doesn't like you because we are hanging out. He thinks you are using me for sex or whatever" I say back, biting my lip slightly.

"We never had sex??" He says to me, looking down at my slightly upset facial expression. "Aw Joey don't let him get to you" he says, rubbing my arm to comfort me.

I place my head on his chest and he wraps his arm around my shoulder. "I'm trying not to, it's just I can't believe he would think I'd do something like that" I say back, staring at the white wall in front of me.

"Something like what?" He asks me, still rubbing my arm. "Sleep with someone I met a few weeks ago" I say, blinking slowly.

"Oh, I'm sorry joey" He says, placing his head on mine. "God damnit I need a cigarette" I sigh out and start to stand up.

"No!" Daniel says, pulling me back into the bed. "Daniel stop, I need a cigarette" I say, standing up this time and walking over to my dresser.

I take out the package and take one out. He slaps it out of my hands and throws the pack across the room, hitting the door.

I walk back over to pick them up but he pushes me against the wall. He holds my arms above my head and presses his body against mine.

"I don't like when you smoke, it's slowly killing you" he says quietly, eying me up and down.

"Do you really know what's slowly killing me?" I ask, looking up and biting my lip. "What?" He asks, eyes scanning my face.

"That you aren't kissing me right now" I whisper in his ear, standing on my tip toes. He smirks and leans down, stopping right in front of my face.

His lips ghost over mine before they fully connect. He picks me up by my waist and wraps my legs around his waist.

I sling my arms over his neck and kiss back. He presses me against the wall harder, pushing deeper into the kiss.

Me not being experienced on any of this I just follow what the older, more experienced boy is doing. He slides his tongue into my mouth, earning a little gasp from me.

He chuckles  slightly and our tongues wrestle. After a few seconds I let him win as I start melting from under him.

I slide my hands under his shirt and feel up his torso to his chest, feeling his six pack. He smirks into the kiss and nibbles on my bottom lip gently.

The door flies open, "Blossom is coming ov- What the hell!" Andrew says, Daniel immediately letting me down.

Andrew swings at Daniel but he ducks, me backing up into the corner of the room. Andrew punches Daniel across the face, Daniel moving with the fist.

Daniel gets angry and kicks him across the room, running after him. He pushes him against the wall and punches him as well.

Andrew pushes him off and holds onto his shoulders as he kicks him in the stomach. Daniel bends over slightly but recovers quickly.

Daniel swings as hard as he could at Andrew, hitting him across the cheek. I see his lip busted open and he falls to the floor.

He stands up but I run over to him, grabbing his arm. "Andrew stop!" I yell, pulling him away from Daniel. He pushes me back in anger, me flying into the wall.

The wind gets knocked out of me and I fall into the floor, face first. I use my arms to pick myself up and I can't breathe.

Daniel runs over to me and picks me up, sitting me upright. He lifts my arms above my head and crawls over to my book bag. I start coughing and wheezing, failing to catch my breath. Andrew just stands there in shock, his hand over his mouth.

Daniel places my inhaler in my mouth and puffs it, me inhaling the medicine. He does it one more time before I catch my shortened breathes.

I start breathing heavily and fall into Daniels chest, trying not to cry. I feel a sense of anger and just stand up, walking over to Andrew.

I slap him across the face, "get the fuck out!" I yell at the top of my lungs, pointing to the door. He just walks out of the room, me slamming it behind him.

"You okay?" He asks me, standing up and walking over to me. "I felt like I almost died" I say I'm all honestly.

"I couldn't breathe and I was choking on my own breathes" I add on, shaking slightly. "You're okay now... I'll help you sleep" He says, pulling my arm over to the bed.

He pulls me next to him and immediately holds onto me. This is the first time I actually feel safe, hopefully this "friendship" lasts.

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