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Joeys POV

He stops in front of my house and I open the door before he fully stops. "I'll see you at school" he says before I slam the door shut.

I wanted to have sex with him at that moment, it was the small amount of alcohol I drank that was speaking. I limp my way up to the door and nearly fall as I knock on it.

Andrew opens it and immediately gasps, eyeing me up and down. "Hm?" I ask, walking into the house to the best of my capability.

"What happened?" Andrew asks, grabbing my face and moving it around so he could see if I was hurt. "We're you jumped or beat up on your way home?" He asks, eyes never leaving my face.

"I had sex" I mumble, he immediately backs away in disappointment. "Andrew I don't know what got into me I-" I start tripping over my own words, but before I know it I'm just bawling my eyes out.

"Andrew did he force you?" He asks sternly, not moving from his position he was in. "N-no I wanted it at the time I don't know what I was thinking" I start to speak but he shushes me, "Joey I understand, it was a mistake. Don't beat yourself up about it." He starts to speak but my dad comes out from the kitchen.

"What happened?" He asks, dropping the towel He was currently holding and walking over to me.

My emotions take over me and I snap. "Why do you care all of a sudden-" I start saying, "yesterday you were calling me a fucking slut for talking to Daniel when we didn't even have sex then, now I'm all worried about my reputation in this family because I gave away the only thing I had left to someone that was probably using me. My whole life is changing because of Daniel and I'm sick of it. I liked my life the way before we were partners on that project. When I had no friends, no social life, or no love" I breathe at the end, storming up the stairs.

I slam my door close and immediately open my drawer, pushing around my clothes and throwing things out to find my cigarettes. I look around and see them the same place where Daniel threw them, the day we kissed.

I shakily pick up the pack and take the last one out, putting it into my mouth. There is one last match inside of the box so I strike it, lighting the cigarette.

I breathe in the thick, grey smoke, smiling has the smoke fills my lungs. I feel a sense of comfort and I just sit in the corner of my room, smoking, looking at my bed.

Andrew comes up the stairs and enters my room, shaking his head when he sees me smoking. "What" I say, taking another hit before he walks over to me. "Daniel sent this to this groupchat we are in on iMessage." He says bluntly. I take the phone and see his bed board, the scratches I made down it are very noticeable. "This kid likes it rough let me tell you-" I read half of the message before throwing Andrews phone back in his face.

I pick up Daniels hoodie and throw it over my head, throwing the cigarette on the floor and stomping on it. "Screenshot that and send it to me" I say before stomping out of my room.

I pick up my phone from downstairs, ignoring the sharp pain in my lower back. My phone dings, Andrew sent me the message.

I get on my motorcycle and start it, driving to Daniels house. Im speeding, I'm weaving through cars, I ran red lights, I almost wrecked twice, but I made it there within 10 minuets.

I slam the door open, letting it bang against the side wall as the paintings shake on the wall. Everyone looks at me, making a little pathway.

I walk down it, low and behold Daniel is bragging about having sex with me. I pull him over to me by his forearm and slap him across the face, hard. There is a huge hand print on his face and he just looks at me, nodding.

"I deserved that" he says, smirking after. "Are you fucking stupid? Or are you just unaware of other people's feelings?" I ask him.

"I don't know how to respond to that" he says in his original cocky voice. "I knew that you wouldn't want to start a relationship with someone like me, I'm not stupid. You just knew that I was one of the only virgins in our grade and you too advantage of me. You knew I wasn't ready, I was scared, I was even questioning if I actually wanted to do it after I said I did." I start speaking but he cuts me off,

"What are you doing in my house if you just want to fight?" He asks, leaning against the wall. Anger builds up inside of me and I take off his hoodie and throw it in his face. I turn around and see someone holding a beer bottle, I take it off of them and walk back over to Daniel.

I pour the rest of the content in the bottle on his head and then smash the bottle on his head. "Daniel Christopher Preda I fucking hate you, I always will" I say as I push him onto the floor, he immediately falls.

- - -

I walk into my house, worn out, hurt, and defeated. I feel alone, hurt, like no one understands. Andrew immediately runs up to me and shakes me, "Joey what did you do?" He yells.

"What do you mean?" I ask, sitting on the couch. "Someone sent me a video of you slapping Daniel, you two fight, you pour the beer on his head then smash it over his head. They say he isn't getting up, he is awake but you did some serious damage.

I chuckle before pushing my hair out of my face, "What a fucking surprise, Joey, the small feminine boy, smashes a beer bottle over a fuck boys head out of anger" I say, rubbing my eyes.

"I couldn't hear anything what was said that set you off?" He asks, shocked at my actions. "I was telling him off for encouraging me to sleep with him but he just asked why I was in his house. So I was right, he does want nothing to do with me, so I got angry and smashed the bottle on his head" I shrug my shoulders, beginning to walk up the stairs.

"Joey-" Andrew starts to speak, "he will be fine" I cut him off, fully walking up the stairs.

A/N: I swear I always make Daniel the asshole in my books I'm sorry

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