Short Story 3

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(lWhen BTS has a secret crush towards you.)


You we're visiting Bangtan again. It's been weeks since your last visit in their building. You knocked on the door of Bangtan's studio. You heard some music and thought that they must be rehearsing.

You opened the door and walked in. You saw them all dancing and goofing around. You sat down quietly not wanting to disturb them. They we're all copying Namjoon's dance in Blood Sweat and Tears.

A few minutes later they walked to you after finishing their rehearsal.

"(Y/N)!!!" Taehyung ran to you with open arms. You stood up and welcomed his hug.

"Hey, Tae!" You said to him then you looked at Bangtan. "Hello, Guys!" You smiled.

"(Y/N). Where we're you? You didn't visit ur for years!" Jin said.

"Haha. Your exaggerating. Its just weeks. I just had many projects!" You smiled at Jin.

"Well, all that matters Is that (Y/N) is now here. " Suga suddenly said. You smiled then raised the plastics that you have been holding.

"Lunch time!" You said. They all sat on the ground and started eating the foods you brought.

"(Y/N)! Aren't you going to eat?" Jungkook asked. You smiled and shooked your head.

"No. You guys enjoy while I'm gonna go to the comfort room." You walked out the studio.

Only you and your family knows why you have been gone for weeks. You we're preparing for you transplant. Your heart transplant. You held you heart and opened your bag to get your medicine. You drank it even though it has an awful taste.

You went back the studio with a smile. You decided to tell them about your illness. They we're all finish eating and we're all goofing around.

"(Y/N)! are you okay? You look red." Jimin worriedly asked.

"I-im okay.. It's hot." You said and used your hand to be a pretend fan.

"Haha. (Y/N). nice one. We're in the middle of winter and you say it's hot?" Jimin laughed and pat your back. You laughed too. "Let's go in." Jimin pulled you in the studio. You nodded.

"(Y/N)! Look at this." Jin pulled you close to him and showed you a picture of him. You rolled your eyes knowing what he's gonna say. "Handsome, right?" He said.

"Haha. You're full of yourself again." You laughed as you say that. You felt a pang of pain. You tired your hardest to endure and not let your emotions show in your face.

"Now, now. Go practice or else ARMY's will be dissapointed." You smiled as you tried to shoo them away. They nodded and walked at the center.

You breathed in and out. The pain got a bit more endurable. You watched them practiced. They we're great. They we're all in sync, like they always do.

Your phone rang. You picked it up and answered the call.

"(Y/N)? We found a person willing to donate his heart."

"Really? Then, when is..." You stood up as you see the few members looking at you. You smiled and signaled your going out.

"When is my operation?" You continued.

"Tomorrow night."

"Ah. Well, who's the donor?"

"He said that I can't tell it to you."

"Oh, Uhm. Really? Well, please say many thanks to him! And if he has a family give them support financially if they need."

"Okay. anything else?"

"Nothing, goodbye!" You cheerfully shouted.

You got back in and saw that they stopped practicing. "What's the matter?" You asked.

"(Y/N). the one your talking to... "

"Is he..... "

"your... "

"Boyfriend?" You almost got shocked. You thought they already knew. You laughed.

"HAHAHA! No!" You laughed as you take your sit again.

"Oh." They all answered then got back into practicing.

I can't tell them now. For sure, they would cancel the concert because of worrying too much. I don't want them to leave their fans for me.

The next day~

"You can All do it guys!" You cheered them up. You're in their van going to the concert. Your operation was moved a bit earlier.

"You're really not coming?" Taehyung asked.

"Yes. Sorry, it's just, it's very important. I'm sorry." You said. The van stopped. "Bye-Bye!" I waved at them as they went down the van.

They all waved backed and continued going in the door. I looked at my watch, it was already 4:00. My operation is going to start in 5:00. Their concert will end in 5:30

"Let's go to the *toot* hospital please." I said to the driver as I looked out the window of the van with one question on my mind.

'Would the operation succeed?'

"Let's pack up!" The staffs said. The concert ended well and fast.

Your manager went near BTS.

"So, (Y/N) is still in the hospital and her operation was Succesful." The manager gladly said.

"Why is she in the hospital?"

"What operation did she get?"

"Oh, she didn't told you?" The manager asked.

"Obviously." Yoongi answered and rolled his eyes..

"She is having a heart transplant operation right now. It's Succesful but she isn't awake yet." your manager explained.

Bangtan quickly took their things and went to your hospital. 


Bangtan quickly went to your room. They opened it and saw you focused on your phone again.

Taehyung went to you but you didn't notice him so he took your phone.

"Hey! What the--" You stopped talking when you saw the guys around you. "Oh, hey."

"Really (Y/N)? Acting as if nothing's wrong, Huh?" Yoongi said.

"Are you okay? We heard your operation!" Taehyung Straight-forwardly asked.

"Does it hurt?  Need something?" Jimin. 

"Do you want something?" Namjoon.

"Do you want someone?" Jin.

All stopped and looked at him, murderly.

"I was joking!" Jin quickly defended.

"Now, calm down, won't you?" You said. They all took a deep breath.

"(Y/N)! There's something I want to tell you!" They we're all surprised. They said the same words. Its as if Their hearts are one?

"Haha. Okay, you can tell me. " You giggled.
Yoongi took a step forward, "We all like you (Y/N)."

"Exactly." Namjoon.

"Definitely. " Jimin.

"Wha-What?" You can't believe what you just heard.

"We like you, (Y/N)." They said in unison. And it just left you speechless.

But I like someone else.


Sorry. For the long wait.
(If someone is waiting. Thx.)

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