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"So... Why are we here again?" I started. My flingers played with the end of my hair that grew a lot in the past few months.

Kelly turned to my direction and smiled with a smug look in his bright eyes. In that second, he quickly turned back and ran towards the wooden house.

It's stairs screetched as he started climbing up fast. The smell of the rain washed branches and grass stuck in my nose like a virus, and the sun hid behind the already well known tree-house.

"Why?" I complained, slouching my shoulers and climbing up with a tortured face.

As we got to the top, Kelly grabbed my arm to pull me up quicker. We shared a few seconds of eye contact but I moved my head to observe the wooden creation.

It was quite small but still full of unused space. The walls had a few random quote posters and old looking seeting on the floor.

"You like it?" he asked. His hands were deep into his pockets and his look was sure into himself.

"It's pretty and all, but why are we here?" I sucked in my lower lip to bite the acces skin, probably looking more anxious than usual.

"Because why not!" we sat down after his hand gestured me there. "I'd like to get to know you, Camila."

My legs were glued together as we shared eye contact but I moved again.

"Sure?" I bit my lip again.

"How did you even get into this friend group?"

"Oh!" I flinched. "Well... I knew Lauren before... And she invited me into it."

"And you said you were pansexual?" he shot out almost pre-planned.

My heart visibly pounded as I started sweating even more. Geez... What am I supposed to say?

The girls said we should pretend we're straight but... That was for that one time?


"I don't really belive that exists." he added. Does this boy have any basic education to not attack others who don't share his opinion?

"... Okay?" my mind went blank. I was more worried about my sweat being too visible.

"Anyways, why don't you have any plans for Summer like a loser?" he started with his shit again.

"... Why don't you?" I turned my head to look at him again.

"Well then." he grinned.

The rest of the day together at his little house was filled with radio music from our phones, as well as some small talk as we looked at the sky and the forest on the little balcony like area.

"Does your dad make toilet paper? Your name is just so fammilar in that area..."

"No?" I grinned. "And I have no idea if that was an insult or an actual question."

Then Kelly got insipred to let everyone know what they got me into.

Group: bitchasses

~Guess who I'm with 😂


Lern Jerky
~wait what
~y'all are hanging out??

~Omg what's going on

~yup we're at a tree house in this wonderful forest 😉
~too bad you will never see it buahaha

~lauren don't get too jealous 😉😉

Lern Jerky
~that seems fun have a nice time :)))))


~well thats ummm
~lauren omg...
~yeah have fun you guys!


The smell of semi wet wood that we were laying on was getting my mind high on some weird emotions. The sky was as pretty as it was for the whole day and I swear I could hear every kind of bird singing.

Dang... I wish I could have taken Lana to this place...

Fuck. No. I'm not gonna start having those thoughts again. I'm over them. They just break my heart more and more.

Kelly was about to say something and start a conversation when my phone buzzed.

I slowly took it out of my pocket and smiled to Kelly as a way to say sorry for interuptions.

Oh? Oh!

I jumped up from the floor and my face went through a range of different emotions and expressions, just for this one second, my insides were broken by a huge snap in my heart.


~you know we need to talk...

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