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Group: Kelly, Mila🔥

~Eyyy Camila
~I finally got around messaging you 😉

~oh hi
~What's up 😶

~Well you know
~I thought about how we're both in the town and we never got the chance to meet properly
~So what do ya think 💩

~Well you know I have some stuff to do most of the time... So...

~It wont be for long
~Where are you I'll pick you up and surprise you

~you dont have to!!! Its fine we can plan some other day if you really want to that much...

~so where are you rn

~I don't have a choice, do I?
~im in the town library

~omg what are you like a nerd? Lmao

~I like reading here?
~you there?
~oh geez


I sighed while looking at my phone as my book closed in my hand.

So this is what I get for having friends!

The library was empty, it was just an amazing temperature. Not too hot but not too cold. It pained me that I had to leave after I found such a good book to start reading.

I took my bag and got out of the old building. If Kelly planned to pick me up and kill me then this is where I should be waiting.

The floor grabbed my feet and made me stand there like a plant. Do I really have to go?

My insides became more and more anxious as I felt them twist. Great... And my anxiety is back.

With Lana leaving, everything bad came back to me. Or... Lauren? But it was all too weird to think about. She was acting so weird, and the girls were right about it all. I just don't know how are we supposed to talk about it if it's even true.

That girl knows me better than anyone... And just to think that I hated this person a few weeks ago, and to now be her friend, is just too weird and apsurd to me.

As my mind drifted, I hear a loud honk right in front of me.

It was a huge sporty car that looked used and old, but still good and like it belongs to only the biggest assholes.

And I was right.

Kelly's head peeked out of the window and I swear I saw him wink...

His hand gestured me inside and my feet started walking by themselves.

The sound of the car door slamming woke up my senses, admiring a whole new smell. It was weirdly pleasing, but also very vibrant and annoying.

"Did you have fun studying?" Kelly started driving to somewhere out of my reach.

"I don't study over the summer, I'm not that big of a loser..." I tried saying.

The silence was almost too good to be true as he turned on the radio and crancked the volume up a lot.

"This is a good song!" He raised his voice to which I just nodded.

And now I was thankful for that radio. We didn't have to talk or make eye contact... Or any contact at all.

My insides were still uneasy as he still didn't want to tell me where are we going. But I trusted that this guy won't get me killed just yet.

"So... What was that guy you had a crush on like?" the radio was silenced a bit and my heart skipped a beat.

"Oh!" I started, "Well... He was cool and all..." It wasn't a big secret that I talked about Lana in male form back in that chatroom. And now I regret that with all my being.

"Why are you asking me that?" I added. My head turned to the blonde boy driving. It seemed like he never loses that smug face.

"I'm curious." he grinned to himself. "I need to know what my competition is."

My eyes widened as my brain panicked. Great... More sweat is just what I needed in this situation.

"Oh..." my heart pounded again. This was the weirdest feeling ever, but I just knew he was kidding or just plain messing with me for fun.

"Hm, was he as smooth as me?" his head turned for a second to show me a better view of his grin, but turned back to the road quickly.

Okay... This is not what I usually do. Is this was dating or flirting really is? Because I wish I was aromantic now.

I could feel my cheeks blush, but as soon as that happened I felt as red as a tomato all over my body.

'She was more smooth than you for sure...' I said to myself.

He noticed I was red and grinned even wider. Annoyingly wider.

Okay... He can NOT become the next Lauren to me. That is just too much to handle.

The car suddenly stopped, and my insides were having a battle with themselvles again.

"Here we go." he opened the door and got out with one foot, turning to me and twitching one of his eyebrows in the speed of light at me.

"You coming?" he teased.

I looked around the area before opening the door.

It was a way to a forest? I knew it... He's gonna kill me!

I got out slowly, still looking around the wonderful nature.

The summery green was the prettiest I've ever saw it, and the empty land on the side of the old road was just the perfect cut fot the start of the forest.

"What is this place? Why are we here?" I turned quickly to the feel of Kelly resting his elbow on my shoulder. Prooving that I am indeed too small for my age.

"Come on." he whistled and started walking inside. It was something like a path, but clearly being forcefully made into the woods. Poor path.

His steps guided my small feet to follow him as we got deeper and deeper into my sure death.

My mind drifted into looking in all directions to observe this amazing beauty. The sun hit the trees in the most perfect way that blended all the colours amazingly.

Three words... Aesthetic as fuck.

Some branches snapped as we walked to the unknown destination I was so afraid of. Kelly suddenly stopped and pointed at a tree-house quite a few steps in front of us.

"This is it." he said.


(A/N) Oh, hello! Okay I'm legit crying thank you for 200 reads! Even if to most wattpad writers it's not a lot, to me it means the worldddd because I never thought someone would read this story.

Mostly because I wasn't writing it to be read, which is weird, right? But really I started writing a bad story without any plans or anything fancy. I just wanted to write a story and finish it no matter how bad it is and now I'm so thankful for even 10 reads!

I know, I know, I'm being boring all that but thank you for this small but important gift!!!

O k a y I'll stop now...

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