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"I thought you won't come after all." I grinned with a smug look on my face.

The big eyes dissapeared and the beautiful girl walked over to my side of the shelf.

"Wow. You really do look like Shrek." she grinned back. Her hand was on her waist, exposing a great figure that was dressed in a white dress with a pretty red flannel hugging her hips.

"And you even swore on our firstborn child named Goat!" my hands clapped as we couldn't hold back our ugly smiles at the sight of eachoter.

"Well then EEla!" Lauren spread her arms to hug me and closed her eyes while she got closer but I stopped her.

A slap echoed the halls as Jerky sniffed and grinned as she held her hand on her now red cheek.

"I should have expected that one..." she started, taking a deep breath and staring at my eyes intensly. "We need to have a very long conversation, don't we?"

I nodded, still holding that angry fake smile. She guided me to the most peaceful part of the building, we sat on the floor between two big shelves in the bright lights of the area. It was a bit cold... Just right for summer. And the smell of books was as nice as always.

After looking at the new area, my eyes panned back to the girl sitting next to me.

Her dark hair and quite sun kissed face with some eye makeup blended in with the red from my slap pretty well. She even looked kinda badass with it. Dammit...

"Okay..." she sighed, "I have no idea where to start!"

Her legs crossed and her head turned down to look at her hands.

"First of all, I'm sorry." her voice started. But it wasn't annoying like it used to be. This was the voice I wanted to hear for so long... I could never hate it.

"I'm sorry that I did that to you... I knew for a while, you know, that you weren't Cami and that you were this girl I have debate club with and physics class." her hands started explaining and her look was focused on the air in front of her.

"I knew and I didn't know what to do... We had two friendships... And we weren't even friends in the second one. And... There is so much to say..."
Lauren rested her head on her arms as she brought up her knees to her chest. I couldn't see her face, but I imagined it's every expression in my head.

"At first, I didn't have any plans. I just wanted to see if you would get it at some point and tell me. But that was so stupid. We were both so stupid."

"And EEla, we were such amazing friends and I lied from the start about myself. Then when you realised, just like I wanted you to, I panicked at the disco too much and freaked out."

"I stopped talking and then started talking as Lauren... Because I didn't even know who I was anymore. And I don't know that. But... That's a story for some other time."

"I fucked up and I deserve way more slaps than just one. Let's be honest."

Her face slouched in her hands and a loud sigh was heard from all that dark hair. My shoulders dropped and I leaned on the wall behind us, staring at that air she looked at so much.

"Yep." I popped the 'p' loudly like the situation wasn't that bad. "We both fucked up pretty bad." I continued, "But look at us now."

Her head popped up from that comfortable hole and she looked at me. Finally, we shared a few seconds of silent eye contact.

"I mean... We met, Lana." I smiled widely, exposing my teeth and causing her to chuckle as well.

"We did, Cami."

"And guess what!" I jumped up slightly, grabbing her elbow softly with my small hand. "We can have those fucked up conversations we always dreamed of having!"

Lauren raised her eyebrows and got up with my hand in her hands, pulling me up with her.

"This is gonna be weird and awkward, you know." she shot out.

"I know." I nodded with a laugh. "And I can't wait!"

"But I still need to slap you a lot of times, you know." I grinned, blinking to annoy her, causing her to smile at me and hit me softly at the back of my head.

You know, she's right. Our conversations are gonna be weird... Aren't they?

When you meet that someone you talked to for so long without anything but your words, it becomes a great torture that you can't help but enjoy. You become obsessed. And weird. And awkward. And it gets fucked up. And you both fuck up many times.

But when you meet them it's suddenly all forgotten. And it becomes wonderfully more fucked up... Somehow.

But there was one thing bothering me.

I told Lauren I had a crush on her in those texts.

But... Did she read them? Does she know?

Or... Does she maybe feel the same...

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