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"Rooooose! We're gonna be laaaate!" Lissa pounded on my bed room door. I groaned,

"Go away!" I rolled over, effectively putting my pillow over my head to block out some of the noise.

"I swear to god Rose! I'll get Adrian!" she pounded again. I jumped,

"I'M UP!" I yelled and threw on a red tank top, and some baggy gray sweat pants.

I grabbed my bag and a water, opening the door to Lissa. She had a bag in each hand and a huge smile.

"Do you have everything?" she asked.

"Yes." I nodded.

"Coat, hat-"

"Hats are for wussies." I said smiling. "Now come on, before were late." I teased. She smacked me and we started walking.

"You should get a tattoo that says smartass." she said laughing.

"I can't I already have one that says badass." she stopped dead in her tracks.

"SINCE WHEN?!" she was so shocked. I slumped against the wall laughing at her.

"I was kidding Liss."

She straightened, "Oh." we continued walking, and giggling about stuff.

"There they are!" Eddie huffed.

"It was Rose." Lissa said throwing her bag in one of the vans.

"Thanks Liss." I said putting my bag in with hers. Dimitri chuckled,

"Of course. Alright, you two guardians are in the lugage van, the rest of the guardians and the students...and Adrian, get in the other van." Dimitri said. I laughed,

"I'm glad you felt the need to give Adrian his own column Comrade."

He shot me a warning, which I deflected with a man eating smile. He opened the van door, everyone filed in, I waited to be last. Dimitri was holding the door, I brushed by him. "You know you love me." I whispered.

"I do." he whispered back 'helping' me into the van, by putting his hand on the small of my back.

The van order went, Dimitri driving, Alberta shot gun...even though I called it. Then there were 3 more rows of 3. In the back was 3 guardians, then Lissa, Chrsitian, and Mia. In the first row, behind Dimitri and Alberta, was Adrian, and empty seat, then Eddie.

I sighed, "This is a sick joke guys." I said.

"Oh come on Rose, don't you wanna sit next to me? You seemed pretty eager to get my pants off with that prank." he said wiggling his eye brows. I punched his arm and sat down next to him.

"Alright, you can have that one Rose but here are the rules." Dimitri said, looking right at me, "No punching, kicking, pinning...ect. anyone. No standing out, no sneaking off, no co-ed rooms," he eyed Adrian, "No drinking, even you Ivashkov." he finished.

"So none of the stuff Rose does?" Christian asked.

"Can we start that no hitting rule in a minute?" I asked.

"No Rose."

"He means no fun." I grumbled.

Dimitri started the van, and pulled out of the Academy, we had a two hour drive a head of us, and I was stuck next to Adrian. Sigh. But it was funny to see the glares Dimitri kept shooting at Adrian next to me.

I was soo bored...I looked around, nothing to do. I sucked in a breath. "I know a song that gets on every bodys nerves-" Eddie clamped a hand over my mouth, and everyone groaned.

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