101 Ways to Piss off Rose Hathaway

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"Alright, if she finds out were all going to end up with black eyes and broken bones...except for Dimitri of course." Eddie told Christian, Adrian and I as we sat at the lunch table waiting for the rest of our group to arrive. I smiled.

"I hope she won't find out." Christian said sitting back. "This might be the best idea you've ever had Eddie. I've found a whole new respect for you man." he said. Adrian laughed, then asked;

"Yea, so when are we going to give Rose the lists. Like, when were all done?"

"Whenever man. But it has to be exactly 25 things on the list." Christian said grinning evilly.

What we were doing was making a list of 25 things that would piss Rose off. We'd give her our list when we were done writing it. Personally, I was a little scared. For me and the other guys.

That girl can kick ass.

Then, after she'd seen all the lists, we would ask her which one had more things that would piss her off. Whoever had the list would win 'a kiss' which according to Adrian was 'The best fucking prize anyone could ever win.'


"What the hell is this?" I asked Lissa as I held up an envelope that someone had slid under the door of our room. Lissa turned around from looking in her giant closet. Her eyes flicked over the envelope in my hands and she shrugged her shoulders.

"I have no idea. It has your name on it though. Open it!" she said plopping onto my bed. I sat next to her and opened it.

25 Things That Piss Rose Hathaway Off

1. When she punches you and your nose doesn't break

2. Hitting her in the head with something

3. Sneaking up on her (no one wins)

4. Pulling pranks on her

5. When you win and she doesn't

6. When you pin her down (never happened with me)

7. When Stan gives her shit

8. When Kirova gives her shit

9. When Adrian gives her shit

10. When anyone gives her shit

11. Waking her up before 11:30 on Saturdays

12. Telling her she can't do something

13. Jesse

14. If you tell her to stop eating

15. Stealing her clothes

16. Touching her stake

17. Touching her steak

18. Calling her a bitch

19. Out smarting her

20. Blonde hair dye

21. When she punches you again and your nose still doesn't break

22. If you call her 'Adrian's Bride'

23. If too many guys ask for her phone number

24. When you ignore her

25. When you write a kick ass list of things that piss her off and she doesn't know who wrote it.

And that was it. That's all the paper said. It was all typed so I didn't even know whose hand writing it was!

Damn it. I really hated number 25 right now.

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