I've Never

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"Good God I am so bored!" I groaned rolling over so my head was hanging off upside down on my bed. Lissa, who was lying on the floor with her head facing me nodded.

Just then there were two knocks on my door before it swung open to reveal Eddie and Mia. "Hey, you guys look bored." Eddie said coming in, Mia in tow.

"Yes!" we both groaned in unison. "Corn me." I said and Lissa threw a piece of pop corn into my mouth.

"Wow." Eddie said shaking his head. He plopped down on a beanbag chair and Mia sat on his lap.

"If you guys are so bored, we should play I've never." Mia said. I was confused. She saw my look and explained. "It's a game ware you say something that you have never done, and if anyone in the room has, they have to put a finger down. Who ever loses all ten fingers first loses, and then the game continues. Who ever has the most fingers left at the end wins."

I jumped up and gave Mia the 'Holy Shit you are a freaking genius! look. "We could totally do that…with shots!" I said excitedly. Lissa sat up on her elbow.

"Well, I'm not as crazy as you so I probably wouldn't get that drunk." she mulled it over.

"There are two problems with that Hathaway." Eddie said. "One, we don't have any booze. Second, you're Russian lover." Eddie finished.

"Well…I do know a very rich Moroi who happens to like booze and as for my Russian lover…well what Comrade doesn't know, won't hurt him." I shrugged.

"Yea, but why would Adrian share any of his stash with us?" Mia asked. I smiled.

"Did I mention that same Moroi kind of loves me? Plus I am a good persuader." I winked at the three and headed for the door. "I'll be back with arms loaded!" I said and headed for Adrian's room.

I pulled my tank top down a little, showing a bit more cleavage, ruffled my hair and licked my lips. I knocked on his door and waited a minute before he answered.

"Well hello my flower. Pun intended." he grinned. I giggled.

"You are just so funny. But I need you to do me," I paused and let my words sink in. His eyes widened and his breathing picked up. Then I finished, "A favor." I grinned. He blinked a few times and cleared his throat.

"Um, yea sure. What is it?" he asked. I pushed him into the room shutting the door with my foot, I cornered him and trailed a finger on his chest.

"Well we were going to play a game and I needed…maybe 3 bottles of vodka?" I asked.

He blinked again, then grabbed my arms, stopping me from trailing my fingers down his chest.

"But what would I get in return my lovely." he asked.

"I guess you could play." I said. He grinned, and then picked up a box.

"This should be more than enough. Lead the way." he gestured to the door and followed me to my room. We entered and Lissa and Christian were on my bed, while Mia and Eddie occupied two beanbag chairs.

We explained the game to Adrian and he grinned.

"So…since we're playing a game…should there be a smoochy prize?" he flashed his eye brows. I shrugged.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2019 ⏰

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