The cruise part 3

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I looked at Christian and the camera, and then back to the...compromising position I was in. A growl bubbled in my throat and I leaped off Lissa towards Christian, but being the bad ass Dimitri is he saw it coming and intercepted me.

He grabbed me around the waist, whispering something in my ear but I was too focused on getting that camera. Christian just stood there grinning, waving the camera around. So he was going for the attack on my head, he was taunting me psychologically.

Two can play at that game.

I stopped struggling in Dimitri's arms and just smiled eerily at Christian.

"Just watch your back birthday boy. Wouldn't want the candles of your cake to go up in flames." I kept the look on my face, watching his pale a little, earning me a little grin, as Dimitri tightened his grip, hauling me back to my room.

"Rose." he gave me that 'look' as he sat on the couch opposite of the seat I took on my bed. I rolled my eyes.

"Yea, yea I know. 'You can not attack anyone, especially a royal Moroi.'" I said mocking his voice. He rolled his eyes and sighed standing up.

"Maybe you should stay inside today, chill out." he said. I smiled up at him, getting that mischievous look in my eye.

"You seriously don't know me Comrade." I stood up, circling around him to get to the door, running my finger along his shoulders.

"Don't underestimate me Comrade." I said, and left my room, grinning as I went.

I found my self in front of Adrian's door and took a deep breath. I knocked 3 times and waited. The door swung open and a very happy Adrian leaned against the door frame.

"Well, well, Rose Hathaway is finally knocking at my door. What can I do for you my Little Dhampir?" he asked. I looked around; making sure the coast was clear and trailed my fingers up Adrian's chest.

His eye brows scrunched in confusion. I gave him my man eating smile, stepping close to him, making him back up into his room. I kicked the door shut behind me, still batting my eye lashes.

I smiled and licked my lips.

"I was just wondering if I could ask a small favor." I purred. Adrian gulped.

I trailed my hand on his arm and he looked down at it, a sweat breaking out on his brow.

"Such a strong guy like you, could do a little girl like me a favor right?" I said again. He looked back up to my face and nodded quickly. I grinned, and stopped the flirtatious act. And yes, I was prepared to kick him were it hurts if he tried to touch me.

"Well..." I pulled him down so I could whisper in his ear.

"You ready?" I asked Adrian as we approached Christian's Shuffle board game. He smiled and nodded at me.

"I can't believe your doing this." he said shaking his head again. I rolled my eyes.

"Well go before I change my mind!" I said. He winked at me and waltzed out to watch the game.

Yea, that's right. I asked Adrian to frustrate that hot head Christian, so he would lose the game, and when I say game I meant our bet.

Now I am fully aware that Adrian wins the kiss, but it's better than that little shit winning.

I watched as Adrian stood right in the front, and Christian stood up to take his turn. Right as Christian was about to push the shuffle board piece, Adrian coughed and said something to the lines of: 'Slut' I laughed as Christian's piece missed the mark by a lot, and he turned to glare at Adrian.

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