Love You, Too - Part Two

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It's been about a month since I got off bedrest, and I'm getting pretty good at using my wheelchair. Sam and Dean got me a nice one, too, with specific things to hang a backpack from. Dean also rigged up a smaller, special bag specifically for my knife, my machete, and my gun. I also have an angel blade in it, a recent acquisition from Cas, who wanted me to be able to protect myself because there were still rogue angels.

I'm also still getting used to the fact that I'm never going to walk again. Right after the accident, I cried myself to sleep most nights, but now I just lay in stony silence, staring at the ceiling until I get so tired I fall asleep. There's still the nightmares. Sometimes, though, I have happy dreams, dreams where I'm racing Sam and Dean on foot, and that almost hurts worse, because I know I can't do that. Waking up from those dreams is terrible, because then I have to pull myself out of bed into my wheelchair, knowing there's no possibility for me to ever walk again, short of a crossroads deal, which I have promised myself I will not make. I also thought ahead and made Sam and Dean promise not to make a deal.

In spite of the nightmares, and the exhaustion, I do my best to stay positive during the day. And I have one huge reason to stay positive: my boyfriend. Ever since I accidentally professed my undying love for him, he and I had been an item. And really, our relationship hadn't changed a bit, except now there was kissing throughout the day. Not makeout sessions, usually, but little pecks, on the lips, the cheek, the forehead, anywhere. Dean was always aware of my mood, and always did his best to improve it, no matter how grumpy I was being.

"Hey, sunshine, how ya doing?" Dean called over as I wheeled into the library. Sam and Dean had put ramps everywhere, and they were all really well made. They had made sure to make them long enough so they weren't so steep I couldn't get up them on my own. They'd also taken half the chairs out of the library, so one side of the tables was mine and I could wheel between tables and up and down the length of one, because, as I was discovering, I still tended to pace, even in a wheelchair, and if the chairs weren't out of the way, I ran into them. Like, all of them.

"Pretty good." I said.

"Let's try that again, (y/n)." Dean said. "How are you really doing?" he asked, walking over and squatting down in front of me.

"I'm just tired is all. Still kinda sore all the time."

"You've been having nightmares." Dean said. "You cry out in your sleep a lot. You always calm down, but you're worrying me."

"It's nothing I can't handle, Deano." I said. "I may be a little miserable now, but I'm still adjusting. You've been such a great help, Dean. Sam, too. I couldn't ask for anything more."

"Okay." Dean said. "Just... just let me know when things are getting rough, okay?" Dean said.

"Alright." I agreed. "Thanks, Deano." I said.

"Anytime, (y/n/n)." Dean said. "I love you." he said, standing up and kissing the top of my head.

"Love you, too." I said.

"Hey, guys, sorry to interrupt whatever adorableness this is, but Dean, we've got a case and we have to go, now." Sam said. "It's near here, so (y/n), you can stay here, we'll be able to stay here instead of a motel, but Garth told us to rendezvous with him about ten minutes away. Says it's something pretty big and pretty bad."

"Be careful, alright?" I said. "And give Garth a hug for me." I said.

"Will do." Dean and Sam said. Sam gave me a hug, and Dean kissed me on the forehead, holding my face in his hands.

"Love you." Dean said.

"Love you, too." I said. "You both better come back in one piece, you hear me?" I called after them. I heard their footsteps fade, then the garage door opened. "Please." I said quietly.

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