Sentence Prompt No. 24

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Sentence Prompt: "It's six o'clock in the morning, you're not having vodka."
Platonic ReaderxWinchester brothers
(y/n) POV
As I rolled over, I wondered why I had decided to set my alarm for six o'clock that morning. I didn't usually, set an alarm, but I'd decided to see why Sam always got up so early.

So far, I didn't get it.

I sat up, bleary-eyed and exhausted.

"I need coffee." I said aloud to myself. I tossed my blanket off of me and stumbled, still half-asleep, to my dresser to pull out a sweatshirt. I pulled out a black one with my sister's high school football team on it and a bleach stain on the sleeve. She'd left it behind when she moved out of the house I lived in with our parents before they died, so I had claimed it as mine. I pulled it on and pulled a pair of socks out of another drawer. The bunker had a pretty good heating system, but in the morning it was usually pretty cold. I finished pulling my socks on and grabbed my phone from my bedside table, unplugging it, then headed to the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee.

While I was pouring my (very large) cup of coffee, Sam walked into the kitchen, already dressed.

"Well you're up early." he said. "Decided to be out of bed early enough to have time to do stuff?"

"No, I decided to see why you get up so early every morning." I answered. "I gotta say, I don't really understand." I yawned widely and took a long drink of coffee. "Did Dean actually go to bed last night?" I asked.

"I'm not sure." Sam said. "I never heard him, but I fell asleep pretty early." 

"I'll go check the library." I said. I grabbed a donut from a box on the table to the side of the kitchen, taking a giant bite, and headed through the hallways to the library.

As I expected, Dean was passed out in a library chair with his head on the table, snoring.

"Yo, buddy boy." I said, nudging him with my hip. Nothing. "Oy, Dean!" I called louder, this time slamming my hip into his shoulder.

Dean leapt out of his chair, grabbing his gun. He ended up on his ass on the floor, his gun pointed at me.

"Mornin', sunshine." I said, calmly taking a bite of my donut and washing it down with a swig of coffee. Dean sighed and rolled his eyes at me.

"You suck." Dean complained. I gave him a grin and set my coffee down so I could help him up. I hauled him up and he glared at me before walking over to the booze cabinet in the corner.

"Dude, don't tell me you're gonna drink." I said, picking up my coffee and finishing the last of my donut. Dean just turned around, brandishing a bottle of vodka. "Dean, it's six o'clock in the morning. You're not having vodka."

"Watch me." Dean challenged. He took a swig from the bottle. I set my coffee down and stalked over and snatched the bottle from his hand.

"You need to take care of yourself." I said. "You're an idiot, but you're basically my brother, and I love you." I put the bottle of vodka back in the cabinet and took Dean by the shoulders and turned him to face away from the cabinet. "And don't give me that 'it's five o'clock somewhere' crap like you usually do." I commanded, walking around Dean so I was in front of him again.

"Aw, I'm like your brother?" Dean asked, a stupid grin on his face. I laughed, rolling my eyes.

"Yes, Dean, you're like my brother." I repeated.

"I love you, (y/n/n)." Dean said, pulling me into a hug. He kissed me on the top of my head.

"Love you, too." I answered. I stood on my tip-toes to kiss him on the cheek. "Now will you go eat some breakfast so I can stop worrying about you for now?"

"Ugh, fine." Dean conceded.

Requested by theEArs
Hope ya enjoyed! I'm working on the next few for ya, those should be up soon!

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