Sentence Prompt No. 2

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Sentence prompt: "Hey, hey, calm down. They can't hurt you anymore."

Sister!Winchester (I know, I know, I mostly do sister imagines but I promise I'll do some lovey stuff soon it's just easier for me because I'm a little sister myself and also I've never had a boyfriend soooo... but I'll do a dating imagine soon I promise)

(y/n) POV

I woke to blinding pain in my right side. I didn't want to, but I screamed in pain out of shock and surprise.

"Rise and shine, ya little ass." the same deep voice that had greeted me every morning growled. It had been going on like this for a week now. Every night, I would pass out from the pain I was put through all day, and then I was woken with a stab in a new body part by that same demon. His name was Kyle and I hated him.

"I feel like a slab of meat." I complained, trying not show how scared and in pain I was. Kyle was working his way over my entire body with his knife. He was drawing something over my entire body, which was strung up by my wrists and secured to the ground by my ankles. Occasionally, to keep myself awake, I would do pull-ups until I was too weak and tired to do them, but I couldn't really do them any longer because there were intricate designs made of cuts all up my biceps and even a little past my elbows. Kyle couldn't reach much farther than that. HIs main canvas was my back and my legs. It was June, so, naturally, I was in a pair of jean shorts with a t-shirt from a mission trip I had gone on in high school. The back of the shirt was torn and bloody, as were a few places on the front where I had been stabbed. Of course, the shirt was a light heather blue, which meant that the blood showed up quite nicely on it.

"Where should I make my art today?" Kyle asked.

"I mean, it's up to you. You're the artist." I sassed weakly. Kyle rolled his eyes, then gave me a cruel smile before cutting into my right thigh. Today, his design curled around my leg, ending on my lower calf. He decided to do some stuff on my back as well. As that was beginning to curl around to the front of my left side, I heard a bang upstairs and shouts from demons.

"(Y/N)!" A familiar deep voice yelled.

"DEAN!" I screamed.

"(Y/N)! WE'RE COMING, HOLD ON!" cried another voice I knew so well.

"SAMMY!" I yelled. Kyle kept carving away, but now he was pressing deeper and deeper. I didn't want it to, but a scream escaped as Kyle began pushing down so hard he was digging through muscle and occasionally a little bit of bone as he switched between cutting across my abs and my legs. Kyle didn't have much room for new carvings, but he made it work.

Kyle was no longer being so careful not to kill me, and I was losing blood fast.

"SAM, DEAN!" I cried weakly again. "PLEASE!" I was sobbing now from pain and desperation. Finally, as black spots danced across my vision, I heard my name from the doorway.

"(y/n)!" Sam and Dean cried.

"Sam! Dean!" I sobbed with relief. They started to rush over to me, but Kyle, who I hadn't realized had flashed away, flashed back behind me, grabbed my hair, and drove an angel blade through my stomach.

"NO!" Sam and Dean yelled in anger. I coughed, choking on blood. I felt it pooling in my mouth and dribbling down my chin. I leaned my head to the side and spit blood onto the ground beside me, seeing for the first time how much was already there.

Kyle had flashed away again, leaving the knife through my stomach.

"I have to get this out so we can get you to the car, alright?" Dean told me gently. "One, two, three!" He pulled the angel blade out in a swift motion and I screamed in pain. Sam got me out of my shackles as fast as he could and I stood and swayed for a moment before taking a step and collapsing into Dean's arms, coughing and choking on blood.

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