Sentence Prompt No. 87

137 2 13

Sentence Prompt: "Stay awake."

Dean POV

"Hey, no, you're going to be alright." I could hear fear, plain and simple, in Sam's voice, coming from the next room.

"Sam, what's going on? I finished off the last two wolves. Let's get (y/n) and-" as I rounded the corner into the next room, I stopped short, frozen by what I had hoped I wouldn't see. "(Y/N)!" I cried. She was on the floor, barely hanging on. Her Led Zeppelin T-Shirt and parts of her flannel were completely soaked through with blood, and her shirt was torn to shreds across her entire torso. Barely aware of what I was doing, I crashed to my knees at her side, opposite Sam.

"Right as I came in to help (y/n), a wolf ran its claws straight through her." Sam said. I saw tear tracks running down his face. The claw marks ran nonstop from (y/n)'s left shoulder all the way to her right hip, and they were deep.

"Come on, pick her up and I'll keep pressure on as much of this as I can." I told Sam, managing to get ahold of myself. If we were going to save our little sister, we had to work fast. Sam did as I asked, and we ran out to the car. "(y/n), kiddo, stay awake for us, okay?" (y/n)'s head lolled towards me and she smiled weakly at me, bringing a bloody hand up to my face.

"Love you." she whispered.

(y/n) POV

When did I fall asleep?

My first thought as I started to come around was, like any hunter's, wondering where I was and what had happened. I took stock of as much of my surroundings as I could without opening my eyes and betraying my consciousness. I could tell I was on a bed, my top half only slightly inclined. There was the sharp pinch of an IV in my inner elbow, what Dean and I jokingly called the elbow pit. There was something running along my upper lip and sticking up my nose ever so slightly. I could feel air whooshing in my nostrils. Finally, I noticed two hands, one on my left leg and one in my left hand.

"Sam, Dean?" I croaked, finally realizing I was in a hospital.

"Hey, kiddo." Dean's voice came first.

"Glad you decided to join us, sleepyhead. We missed you." That was Sam. I could hear smiles in both of their voices as I blinked the sleep out of my eyes and adjusted to the bright whiteness of my hospital room.

"Glad I'm not dead, are you?" I breathed out a chuckle and tried to shift myself to sit a little better. That was what brought my attention to searing pain and an odd tightness across my entire abdomen.

"Hey, hey, whoa, sweetie, stay laying down." I barely heard Dean's voice over the blood roaring in my ears. Finally, the pain settled back to a dull throbbing.

"Ah, that's right." I mumbled. "Ow."

"What do you remember, (y/n/n)?" Sam asked gently.

"Ugh, too much." I mumbled. "We were hunting some wolves, and right as Sam finished his off and came in to help me out, mine decided I'd look better with some ventilation right through my torso."

"We came pretty close to losing you, kid." Sam said. I could see tears glistening in his eyes, threatening to spill over.

"Come here, Sammy." I said, gesturing for him to get closer to me. He bent down, unsure of what I wanted, until I reached up and grabbed him in a hug. "I'm alright, Sam. I'm not ready to go anywhere just yet." I assured him. Sam hugged me as tightly as he dared, mindful of my injuries. After a few seconds, I felt Dean join the hug. We stayed like that until both Dean and Sam straightened out because their backs were hurting.

"You two are getting old." I teased. Dean rolled his eyes.

"Hey now, just because you're not 30 yet doesn't mean you can make fun of us."

"Oh, I can make fun of you all I want. I'm your sister." I fired back at Dean.

"You know, I think you're going to be just fine." Sam said, laughing. It was a stark contrast to the tears still rolling down his cheeks.

"Always, Sammy. I couldn't leave you two." I said. "I never want to leave you."

A single tear traced its way down my cheek.

"I love you two dorks, you know that?" I murmured.

"Not as much as we love you, dork." Sam said. "Not nearly as much."

A/N: sooooo I'm not sure what I'm gonna do now, theEArs bc that was the last of the prompts you sent! I so loved working my way through and don't fear, there will be more, but please feel free to send in requests for anything (except smut, I don't really do that... dirty jokes, though, those I can do)!
Peace out and lots of love,

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