Sentence Prompt No. 64

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Sentence Prompt: "Here, take my blanket."
Bobby's surrogate daughter!reader

Dean POV

"Who's this chick?" Sam asked as we walked into the diner Bobby had sent us to. A woman--no, closer to a girl--stood to greet us as we walked into the diner. I just shrugged, although she did look a little familiar. All Bobby had told us was that he'd sent her to help on the case in his place, since he was nursing a broken wrist. Apparently he'd lost a fight with some IKEA furniture.

"Hey, boys! Bobby's told me so much about y'all." the girl said as we approached the table. She stuck her hand out, and Sam and I both shook it. We slid into the booth, sitting opposite the girl. "I'm (y/n). Bobby probably hasn't told the two of you about me, the old coot, but I'll explain everything." Sam and I glance at each other when she called Bobby an old coot. It seemed affectionate. Clearly this girl knew Bobby very well. So why hadn't we heard of her until now?

"(y/n), how old are you?" Sam asked.

"Eighteen." she answered. "And before you go refusing to let me hunt, my first hunt was when I was six and I've gone on every one my papa went on until he died when I was eleven, and then every one whoever I was staying with, even Bobby, went on after that. I've been helping out other hunters since I could drive, too." I cocked an eyebrow.

"Your dad took you on hunts when you were six? Consistently?" I asked. (y/n) nodded.

"He was desperate. The thing only preyed on kids, and neither of us were willing to risk a neighborhood kid. So I managed to convince Papa to let me be the bait, and then I could kill it easily by taking it by surprise. And after that, I couldn't stay away."

"Wow." was the only thing Sam could say.

"Alright, so now that we've got the whole 'why is an eighteen year-old helping us on this case' thing covered, I'll explain how I know Bobby." (y/n) said. "Like I said, Papa died when I was eleven. After that, I was passed among family since hunting is what just about our entire family does, but I ended up at Bobby's a lot. Eventually, most of my family got old or dead, and I started living with Bobby between helping other hunters when I was sixteen."

"You know, I think there's a picture of you as a toddler in his study." Sam said. I thought about it and realized that was why she looked familiar. "We probably never met because by the time you were being bounced around and staying with Bobby, we were hunting and not staying with him regularly anymore." I was exactly double (y/n)'s age at 36.

"Well, that's my origin story, boys." (y/n) said. "So what are we looking at for this case here?"

"Cabinful of vamps. We're talking about twelve here." Sam explained.

"God, not even the mighty Winchester brothers could take that on alone." (y/n) remarked. "Alright, I'm always game for a good vamp gank--or twelve." (y/n) said, a grin spreading. I couldn't help but grin back.


After the hunt



"Well that went surprisingly well." (y/n) remarked, holding a gash in her stomach.

"Wha- you have the deepest cut I've ever seen someone get and still be up and walking!" I exclaimed.

"What can I say, I'm tough." (y/n) chuckled. "Although, if I don't get stitched up and bandaged up well soon I won't be up and about." she said.

"I think 'soon' is coming up pretty fast." Dean said. I noticed (y/n)'s face growing paler with each passing minute. I leaned over to Dean.

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