I Vaguely Remember The Party

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Request: I had another idea, what if the reader accidentally gets really high or drunk at someone's party and when she gets dropped off at home she's really giggly not like a child but just really silly. And she runs from the boys. And plays hide and seek. This is probably a xTFW one. And she's just really silly and the boys are laughing about it and making her do weird things or something. I'm not sure but the idea just kinda came to mind. Or like the same thing but with Jensen, Jared, and Misha and their costar

Actress!ReaderxJared (wow look at me finally venturing away from sister ones) (also I love Gen don't worry it's for the plot)

Jared POV

"Heard from (y/n) at all tonight? I know she was really excited about that party." Jensen asked from behind me, bringing beers to Misha and I on the couch.

"Nothing yet, she's probably busy dancing." I chuckled, remembering the last party I'd gone to with her. Her dancing was somewhere between teenage girl and mom, and it was hilarious to watch.

"Oh, God, remember the 200th episode party? The dance battle?" Misha asked as Jensen settled into the couch. Immediately, the three of us died laughing at the memory.

"And she wasn't even drunk!" Jensen choked out. "Because she hates being drunk around us because we're assholes." I had started to try to protest, still laughing, when the doorbell rang.

"I got it." I said, and set my beer on the coffee table and jogged to the door. I pulled it open to see-

"Heeyyyya, Jare." (y/n) slurred.

"Hey, Jared, (y/n) is hella drunk because someone didn't tell her just how strong the shots were, so I figured I'd get her back home before things got too out of hand." said Clif, our bodyguard, whom I'd sent to keep an eye on the party, from behind (y/n), all but supporting her entire body.

"Thanks, Clif. I appreciate it. Come in for some beers?" I offered, helping him shift (y/n)'s weight over to me.

"You do remember our early morning tomorrow for our flight, don't you Jare? I'm an old man, I need sleep." Clif chuckled.

"Really, thought you turned twenty-three for the sixth time last month!" I joked, getting a solid laugh from Clif.

"I'd better head home, kid. See you bright and early, alright?"

"Sure thing, thanks, man." I said. Clif and I shook hands and then he turned to go back to his car. I pulled (y/n) inside and shut the door.

"Guys, put the beers out of reach, (y/n)'s back and drunk off her ass. Last thing we need is a blacked out (y/n)." I called.

"Naahhhh, guys, I'fine." (y/n) slurred. "I'fact, we're gon' play hi'n'seek." (y/n) pulled away from me, stumbling out of my reach and swaying down the hall, giggling madly the entire time.

"Alright, well, I guess we're playing hide n'seek." Jensen said, walking up behind me.

"No, no, I believe it was hi'n'seek." Misha said, laughing at (y/n)'s slurred pronunciation.

"Alright, (y/n), you've got twenty seconds to hide yourself real good!" I called. My response was lots of giggling.

"They'll never find me." came (y/n)'s voice, clearly figuring she was whispering to herself. She stumbled out of our room, across the hall, and into the bathroom, in full view of us.

"Why don't we play along, search the bathroom last." I whispered to Jensen and Misha. Both of them laughed, nodding at the idea. "Alright," I called louder, "Ready or not, here we come!"

We played as if we were playing with someone much younger, calling out "hmmm, gosh, I wonder where she could be!" every so often, even ducking into the bathroom and pretending to completely miss (y/n), who was in very plain sight.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2018 ⏰

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