I'm Not Sure If You Can Overdose On Advil, But Any More and I'll Find Out

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Request: they all come back beat up from a hunt. Reader has gash in her stomach that the boys stitch up. She's ordered on bed rest for a few days by Dean. She wakes up the next morning forgetting about it and gets up to make breakfast for everyone like she does every morning. She doesn't really notice the pain from the gash, noting it off as cramps or soreness or something. She's cooking. One of the boys comes in and is like y/n? And she's like mornin' whoever and he's like why are you up and she turns around confused and her shirt is soaked where she's ripped her stitches. Boys' eyes go wide and idk what happens from there

Sister!reader (okay look it's not my fault that these prompts just scream 'little sister' blame my muse)


"DEAN, DRIVE!" I yelled, barely in the car with (y/n) in my arms before Dean stepped on it as far as the pedal would go. The car door shot closed with the momentum. "(y/n), come on, I need you to hang on here. Don't leave us, not like this." I begged. (y/n)'s eyes were glassy, and she wasn't breathing too well, but the only blood on her lips was from being punched across the face a few times. I'd take what I could get.

The hunt had been going well until we found out that not only was there a nest of vamps, but they were sharing a residence. The vamps had the bottom floor and there was a pack of wolves living up top. Completely unfair, right? We had gone to take care of the vamps, but then the wolves heard the disturbance and came to defend their housemates. One of them had a nastily sharp sword that they used because their claws were short and nubby for some reason. Probably chewed on them like I chew on my nails. Yes, I know it's gross. Not the point. The point is that (y/n) didn't know to watch out for a sword and it caught her across the stomach a couple of times. Pretty deep, too. Luckily, we had taken down all the vamps and were down to the last three wolves, so Dean and I finished ours off and then took on the one with a sword.

We managed to kill it, but we knew we didn't have time to properly dispose of all the bodies before (y/n) bled out, so we simply set the entire house on fire and drove away, all screeching tires and exhaust trailing behind.

We finally made it back to the bunker after what felt like an eternity, but had really only been a few minutes. I sprinted inside, getting (y/n) to her room. I heard Dean's footsteps and a "I've got the first aid kit, keep going!" shouted from behind me, so I continued to book it until I made it to her room, right between Dean's and mine. I laid her down on top of her comforter so I could easily change it after we got her stitched up and tucked in. (y/n) was passed out by now, but still breathing, albeit with difficulty.

Dean and I got her stitched up, changed into clean sweats, and tucked into her bed as quickly as we could. Dean showered while I watched her, and then he came back to watch her while I showered. We both slept in her room that night.

The next morning, we woke at about the same time and went to go put our pillows and blankets back in our rooms. Dean agreed to go make breakfast while I sat with (y/n) after we made our beds up quickly. But when I got back to (y/n)'s room, her bed was empty, sheets tossed aside. My eyes went wide and I sprinted to go find Dean.

(y/n) POV

When I awoke, it wasn't bright in my room, but then again, it's never bright in my room. One of the things about living in a massive underground bunker.

"Good lord, did Dean manage to get me to the bar last night after all?" I asked myself. I had a pounding headache and for some reason there was tightness and general pain across my stomach. I dismissed it, and got out of bed, rooted around in my nightstand for Advil, and popped a few. There was a glass of water by my bed, so I took a gulp of that to swallow the pills with and then found a flannel to pull on over the gray T-shirt I was wearing. Sam and Dean must have changed my clothes last night, because I definitely didn't go to bed in my gray Notre Dame T-shirt and joggers. I walked to the kitchen and pulled out a pan and the makings for cheesy scrambled eggs. I had made breakfast for my big brothers ever since we had moved into the bunker, and I wasn't about to let a hangover and a little soreness stop me now.

I whistled as I worked, although pain across my stomach when I had to reach into a high cabinet made my breath catch in my throat once or twice. I continued to ignore it in favor of roughing it out, plus there was the fact that I had just taken four Advil. I wasn't sure if you could overdose on Advil, but if I took any more I was sure I'd find out.

The eggs were almost done and I was getting dizzy for some reason when a voice thick with concern cried my name.

"(y/n)! What the hell are you doing?"

"Dean! Did you find her?"

"Well good morning to you boys, too." I said drily. I turned from the stove to give them a look, but I stumbled, catching myself on the countertop before I could get too far.

"(y/n), whoa, hold on." Sam called, rushing to my side. When he got to me, he stared at my stomach, a look of horror on his face.

"...what?" I asked, looking down. My expression quickly changed, matching Sam's. My stomach was covered in blood, my shirt soaked in it. "Well I guess that's why I feel like I may or may not pass out pretty soon." I mumbled, trying to get to Sam. My vision spotted and I began to collapse. Sam was there before I could touch the ground. He scooped me up and got me to my room as fast as he could, laying me down on my bed. I was mostly out of it at this point, foggily aware of my stomach being stitched back together, a half-formed memory coming to the front of my mind for the briefest of moments. After that, I'm really not sure what happened, because blood loss got the better of me and I passed out.


"(y/n)! What the hell are you doing?" I heard Dean yell from down the hallway.

"Dean! Did you find her?" I called to him, catching up to him in the doorway of the kitchen.

"Well good morning to you boys, too." (y/n) said, her voice dry but expression amused as she turned around. Or tried to, anyway, before she stumbled and caught herself on the island.

"(y/n), whoa, hold on." I told her, rushing to get to her side to steady her. But my breath caught and my eyes widened when the rest of her body came into view, no longer hidden by the kitchen island.

"What?" (y/n) asked, looking down to where I was staring. Her lips formed a surprised O, before she muttered, "Well I guess that's why I feel like I may or may not pass out pretty soon." She tried to get herself the rest of the way to me, but she collapsed. I caught her and scooped her up, and I carried her to her room. Dean and I stitched up her stomach again, but this time neither of us even bothered to leave for blankets, even one at a time.

It took a solid few hours for (y/n) to wake up again, and she was terribly dazed and confused when she did.

"S'my?" she mumbled. "Dee?"

"We're right here, kiddo." Dean answered as I reached out to grab her hand.

"Did you... that wolf... sword... but I was fine..."

"Bug, you forgot about your injury this morning. Tried to make breakfast and tore your stitches. Almost bled out. Again." I told her.

"..Ah." (y/n) murmured, pushing herself up. I reached out to help her steady herself. "Thanks, guys."

"Anytime, kiddo." Dean and I said together, shooting each other an amused look when we did.

"But Sam?" (y/n) asked.

"Yeah, kiddo?" I asked.

"If I weren't so injured and in so much pain, I'd punch you for calling me bug." Her words were serious, but her eyes were teasing.

"Sure, Bug." I said, leaning over to kiss her on the forehead. I laid down next to her, pulling her into a snuggle. Dean sandwiched her from the other side, and we laid like that until the next morning.

theEArs I'm having so much fun with this!!! I'm starting work on the next one very soon!

Peace out and lots of love,

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