I Swear I Don't Usually Go Four Days Without Sleeping

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Request: Maybe one where the reader hasn't slept in so long she starts imagining things. And the boys are worried about her. I mean it's been like 4 days. She's always drinking coffee. Doesn't eat much. By the end she's probably like the equivalent of very very very drunk and then passes out somewhere funny.

Another sister!reader! (Sorryyyyy)

(y/n) POV

So I know what you're thinking. "(y/n), you shouldn't go so long without sleeping! You'll run yourself into the ground! You can die from exhaustion, you know." Yeah, I do know. And I swear, I don't usually go four days without sleeping. We've just been going nonstop. Every time I nod off, Sam or Dean says something and I jerk awake, then I bury myself back into the lore and something piques my interest and awake I stay for several more hours. With, of course, some help from coffee. 

Luckily for me, my brothers didn't seem to notice much, and I managed to convince them I was sleeping when I fell asleep in the library. I'd been getting minimal sleep since high school anyway, it was fine.

That is, until I started seeing things.

It was little things at first, a flare of light here, a shadow there. But when I asked Sam when he had snuck a dog into the bunker, we were tipped off that something was... amiss.

"What do you mean, a dog?" Sam asked.

"Is there... not a dog standing two feet from us?" I asked tentatively.

"...No? (y/n), are you alright?" Sam turned me to face him completely. I turned my head to look at the dog again. It was no longer there.

"...shit." I mumbled, turning to face Sam. "I think I need to go eat something. I've, uh, had low blood sugar problems lately, I think." Of course, we both knew this was a complete and total lie, but I guess Sam figured we could argue later.

I made my way to the kitchen, checking my phone on the way. Oh, Jesus. I hadn't realized, but I'd been awake for about four and a half days. I opened my phone and pulled up the calculator. One hundred and eight hours. Well I guess I'm going to bed after I eat. For at least two days. I walked into the kitchen and right past a cluster of tiny dragons that scrambled away and disappeared as I walked past them. Oh dear.

I opened the fridge, hoping to find one of the protein shakes I'd bought earlier that week. There was one left. I rolled my eyes, mentally filing start labeling my food away in the back of my head. I pulled the lone protein shake out and cut a piece of the coffee cake I'd made earlier today and sat down at the table. I took a bite, and took a drink of my shake and then, I'll admit, I remember nothing until I woke up in bed three days later. Oops.


"I think I need to go eat something. I've, uh, had low blood sugar problems lately, I think." (y/n) muttered, pushing past me. I watched her go and then turned the opposite way, headed to the library to get Dean to help me stage an intervention. Or lock her in her room until she went to sleep. Whichever.

"Dean..." I called, walking into the library. Dean raised his eyebrows in a yeah? gesture over the rim of his coffee mug, so I launched into my appeal. "Dean, (y/n)'s seeing things. She needs to sleep, but she keeps insisting she's fine. I don't think she's slept at all since Sunday night. Dean, It's Friday. 2:10 on a Friday. That means it's been..." I trailed off, trying to calculate in my head.

"108 hours." Dean interjected, holding up his phone, calculator open. I closed my eyes, hand to my forehead.

"I think it's time for a sibling intervention, yeah?" I asked.

"Yeah." Dean agreed, pushing himself out of his chair. "Where was she headed?" he asked.

"Kitchen. Mumbled something about low blood sugar after she hallucinated a dog in the hallway and pushed past me."

"Okay, it's definitely time for a sibling intervention. Let's go." Dean said. I followed him all the way to the kitchen, where he rounded the corner into the door and we found (y/n) laying on the floor, a mostly eaten piece of coffee cake and a half-drunk protein shake on the table. Dean and I crashed to our knees beside her, desperately hoping she'd just fallen asleep on the floor.

"Her pulse is a little slower than I'd like, but she's breathing steady and I don't think she hurt herself. Probably just passed out as soon as she stood up." Dean said. He scooped her gently up into his arms and we headed to her bedroom.

"Heyyy, Dean..." (y/n) slurred from Dean's arms halfway to her room. "Did we beat it?"

"What?" Dean asked.

"The wolf hunt... Did I get the one that skewered Sammy?" (y/n) was still slurring a little, and her eyes were unfocused, but a tear slipped out and ran down her cheek.

"Yeah, sweetheart, you got 'im good. Sammy's recovering in his room." Dean lied. She probably won't remember this when she wakes up anyways. I told myself.

"Sammy's okay?" (y/n)'s eyes focused a little bit for a second, but then they went right back to completely out of focus.

"Yeah, sweetie, Sammy's gonna be fine. He'll be here when you wake up, why don't you get to sleep so you can help while he recovers?" Dean coaxed. (y/n) nodded slowly, her eyes slipping shut already. She was sound asleep again by the time we reached her room.

Dean laid her in bed and we slipped back out of (y/n)'s room quietly, shutting the door behind us. Dean stopped, leaning his back against the door. He shut his eyes and took a deep breath, and when he opened his eyes again, they were full of sadness.

"Sam, she can't even escape the life when she passes out from exhaustion. She shouldn't have done that anyways. We gotta be better about watching her."

"Why don't we worry about that when she wakes up, alright? For now, let's just keep an eye on her while she sleeps, we can take shifts." I said.

So we did, for three days. Just when I was starting to think I should wake (y/n) up, she stirred and sat up, looking around blearily.

"Sam?" she asked. "When- I was in the- but now-"

"Yeah, you passed out in the kitchen." I told her. "Dean and I brought you to your room."

"Thanks." (y/n) said, a sheepish smile on her face.

"Don't mention it, kiddo." I said, perching on the foot of her bed.

"Hey, look who's awake!" Dean's voice came from the doorway.

"Thanks for carrying me here." (y/n) said, the same sheepish smile still playing on her lips.

"You don't ever have to thank me, kiddo. It's why we're here." Dean told her, sitting down next to me at the bottom of (y/n)'s bed. Her sheepish smile turned into a full on grin.

"So please tell me I didn't say or do anything stupid before I fell asleep." (y/n) said. Dean and I exchanged a look, coming to a silent conclusion.

"Nah, you were out cold before we even made it to the kitchen, kid." Dean answered. "Now come on, we gotta get some food in you."

A/N: THAT TOOK ME SO LONG I'M SO SORRY but I hope this is kinda what you were hoping for theEArs !! Cannot wait to start the next one!

Peace out and lots of love,

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