Sentence Prompt No. 67

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Sentence Prompt: "You're bleeding all over my carpet."
High school friend!hunter!reader x Sam & Dean (platonic)

(y/n) POV

"Man, I'm starting to get too old for this." I complained to myself as I climbed out of my pickup and grabbed my weapons bag. I dug around in my large purse, dubbed affectionately as "the sack" and "the indestructible mom purse" by my older sister, to find my house key that I kept forgetting to attach to my car keys. I let myself into my house and dropped my bags inside the front door and my keys in the tray. Unlike most hunters, I had a house that I came back to after hunts.

I managed to stay upright long enough to shove a frozen meal into the microwave and grab a beer before collapsing on my couch, exhausted. I was covered in blood and dirt and probably some guts, since I had just returned from separating vampires' heads from their bodies. Of course, no sooner had I sunk into the spot on the couch I had reserved for myself right after a hunt with a large towel spread across it so I didn't get it dirty as hell, than my doorbell rang. I groaned, pushing myself off the couch.

"COMING!" I yelled to whoever was behind the door. I made my way to my front door and pulled it open. I was greeted by two very dirty, very bloody, and seemingly very injured men that looked very familiar for some reason.

"Hey, (y/n). I don't know if you remember us, but, uh, we went to high school with you. I was a freshman and Dean was a senior."

"Sam, Dean?" I asked. Sam grinned.

"That's us. Can we, uh, can we come in?" he asked.

"Of course." I said. "How badly are you two hurt?" I asked. "Because you're bleeding all over my carpet."

"Oh, sorry." Dean said.

"I'm kidding. I've been looking for an excuse to rip that shitty carpet up." Sam and Dean both laughed at that. "Come on, I'll get the two of you stitched up. You got extra clothes?"

"Yeah, out in our car. I'll go grab them, Sammy needs more stitches than I do." Dean said, turning around. "Back in a sec."

"Alright, let me get you to the bathroom and get the both of us cleaned up. I just got back from a vamp hunt a state over." Sam huffed out a laugh.

"Good timing on our part, I guess." he said. "Not."

"Actually, I'd much rather do this when I'm already covered in blood." I assured him. "So, I guess our 'family businesses' are the same." I chuckled. Sam laughed.

"Yeah, we found out when we were leaving that the other hunter our dad was working with was your dad." Sam told me. "I had such a hard time keeping that secret from you."

"You have no idea, Sam." I told him, bending over to grab my first aid kit from under the sink. "So, wolf hunt gone wrong?" I asked after I'd straightened up, gesturing to several claw marks. Sam nodded.

"Yeah, and a dislocated shoul- OW!" Sam was cut short by me popping it back into place. "Okay, I am very impressed, but that hurt like a bitch!"

"Hey, you should know by now that the best shoulder relocation is a surprise one." I said, chuckling.

"Are you even sorry?!" Sam asked, incredulous.

"I mean, a little." I told him. "But you can't deny, my method works." Sam sighed, but I saw a small smile. "Hahaa, I see that smile." I teased. Sam shoved me lightly with his good arm, but he was really smiling now.

"You two kids having fun?" Dean asked, leaning against the doorframe of the bathroom.

"Apart from me popping his shoulder back into place in the middle of him telling me about it, yeah." I answered, laughing. "Ready for me to start stitching?" I asked Sam. He just nodded, and I went about threading my needle.

I finally got both brothers stitched up and Sam stitched up a gash on my shoulder I hadn't realized I had, and then we each showered and changed.

"So," I said when we were all sitting around in my family room, mugs of coffee in hand, "How in the world have you two been?" I asked. "You were pretty much the only actual good friends I had in high school."

"Well, I went to Stanford, but Dean pulled me out to help him on a case, and when I got back, my girlfriend was dead on the ceiling like my mom when I was six months old. Been hunting ever since." Sam said.

"You're kidding." I said. "I'm so sorry, Sam." I whispered. I knew plenty about losing a significant other. I subconsciously twisted the wedding ring on my finger. I still hadn't managed to stop wearing it. I saw Sam and Dean glance at my ring as I twisted it, but thankfully neither of them mentioned it. Then Dean spoke.

"Bare bones of the rest of it is, I went to hell for four months, Sam met a demon and ended up in a really bad place, an angel named Castiel pulled me out of hell and is now a really good friend of mine, Sam went to hell a couple years later to lock up Satan, and then got back topside, but without a soul, so I got that back but then Sam started having hallucinations of Lucifer and the cage, but Cas eventually fixed that, and then we found a giant bunker that we live in, and we dealt with God and the Darkness' sibling drama, and then Mom ended up alive, then we had to deal with the British Men of Letters, and so now we're in a slightly calm spot, other than hunting, of course. Oh, yeah, and we have a half-angel kid living with us."

"...Wow." I managed. "Well then."

"Yeah." Sam said. "So, uh, what about you?"

"Well, my story is somewhat less dramatic and near-apocalypse filled, but, a month after you two left, my parents and sister were killed in a car crash trying to get away from a carful of vamps. I managed to finish school, and I went to UW Madison, double majored in Animal Science and Business with a minor in Deaf Culture, because, if you remember, I'm legally deaf. I wear a hearing aid. I wish I could get a service dog, but I am not bringing a dog into this life. Anyways, I graduated from Madison and actually ended up teaching at Gallaudet University, a school for the deaf, and met my husband there. Turned out, he was a hunter. We were on a hunt together during spring break when he was shot and killed with his own gun by a werewolf. I finished out that school year and then resigned, and I've been hunting since. Leaving Gallaudet was really hard, I'd been there four years, but I knew I needed to hunt or I'd go insane with grief." I took a deep breath. "So there's my sob story, guys." I said, smiling wryly.

"That's awful, I'm sorry, (y/n)." Sam said.

"Hey, what say you come live in the bunker with us?" Dean asked suddenly. "You were like a sister to us for the weeks we went to school with you, and it would keep you from having to keep paying this place off. Sell it, come to Kansas." he said. I only had to think for a few moments.

"I'd love to."

A/N: Wow fam I got carried away. It's not the greatest, I'll admit, and also I am OS SORRY HOW LONG THIS TOOK JFC but here you go hope it's not too terrible😬😬
Hope you love, theEArs
Peace out and lots of love,

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