Kendall's POV: Falling Apart In My Arms

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*Kendall’s POV*

                Logan walked out of Addie’s room; a look of mixed emotions covered his face. “She’s scared,” Logan said in a hushed tone, “Scared to death.”

                “Maybe only one of us should go,” I suggested.

                “We all have to be questioned,” Los reminded me.

                “Carlos is right,” Logan said with a sigh. “Demi can watch her until we bail out James. Now we need to get going.”

                At this point Los and I stood up and began to slowly walk down the hall, Logan trailing a foot behind us. I kept an eye on him with my peripheral vision; he didn’t look okay at all. “Hey stop for a minute,” I spoke up. Los stopped walking, as did Logan. Carlos wore a confused expression on his face, Logan still looked, well, dead.

                “Logan,” I said looking at him. And he snapped. He began to cry, and I rushed to hug him. He rested his head on my shoulder as tears poured.

                “I’ll give you a minute,” Los said walking away.

                “Oh Logie Bear,” I said, I felt my heart breaking for the most amazing man I’d ever met who was now so vulnerable; I’d never seen him cry before. “What’s wrong?” I asked him.     

                “She’s so scared,” he began, “She’s terrified that he’ll come and get her. She’s so horrified and ashamed about her past that she can’t even go by Evans anymore and she wants to change her name to  mine-I told her despite the decision we all made. She was pleading for me to tell her.

                “I’ve loved her since the day we met her, I’ve just never really felt like a father before now. She’s depending on me to take care of her and keep her safe. It’s killing me inside to see my baby so scared and hurt. I don’t know what to do Kendall,” Logan sobbed into the crook of my neck.

                “I know,” I told him as I rubbed soothing circles on his back with one hand, my other tangled up with his hair. I didn’t think this was a weakness, I found it as rather a strength. “I know, none of us know what to do. But before we do anything we all need to take a deep breath and calm down. And then, well, bail James out of jail.”

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