My vision got hold of the transmitter. I stopped myself, and hovered my presence in the long grass for a moment longer. From a distance, I reminded myself that with one stride I could make for the gadget.
The cycle of the transmitter's light blinked on and off. Some static too. But then, another rythynm. It came from up high.
I swore I was ambushed. From the sky behind me, siluottes soared my way armed with beaks the size of my body! I acted quickly, barely evalutating my actions.The winged Pteranodons made a great swoop. I trembled, attempting not to panic. I made a huge leap into the ground, embracing the mechanical object and barely missing the dagger-like beaks.
The army of Pteranodons hovered above me, taking the skies again, trying to scoop me up from the earth. Some squalled in their failure. I glanced up cautiously for what seemed like forever. The beasts sauntered in the air, and I knew that they would made a second attempt. From there, they darted again and again, I dodged, plummeting my nose into the dirt with wings beating.
I ran for the woods with a bleeding nose. I bolted for the foliage to hide with thorns against my pants, tripping over a tree truck, screaming and flailing my arms. From there, I crashed downhill, and the transmitter escaped my grip. A throbbing sensation came to my head.
I slumped. Realizing I was conscious, I snapped my head up. A fire crackled in my vision.
My hands went to my dirtied face. Pain stemmed from them immediately, and my eyes rolled over the swollen scars. Dirt smudged my shirt and pants like a mudslide hit me.
The question comes to me; Where is the transmitter?
Sitting up, there is one door. I fixed my boot, glaring at the exit. I decided to walk to the door, and peered through the open knob. I barely got to see the light flooding in before a firm voice spoke up out of nowhere.
"Up so soon?" hissed someone.
Worried that I was seen , my back went against the door. Scouting the area, a shadow got my attention. A raptor watched me through illuminated slits.
My heart raced. That was no dinosaur.
"Up here! You coming or not?"
Immediately, a soft light hit the ground and redirected me to the roof.
Project Sorna
AdventureThe day Robin Prestley quit her job was a relief. At least, that's how sequence of events go until her study-filled extravaganza to the deserted Isla Sorna goes south all due to her ex-boss and his pure selfish-ness. The truth really was that ever s...