She felt at the nerves thickening her knuckles, resisting to punch the nearest tree. Then, her body twisted with the animal, balling her fingers and swiveling her head. The girl reacted in the worst way possible. . . .Robin brought her fist on an ant hill.
She braced her emotions, yanking away from the ants and swallowing all pride to her use. Her hand was free again, but not her shock.
"They really bloodied messed with you, kido."
One exasperated look could tell Lara her partner was losing motivation to contain. But Lara looked dead on with both eyes, smiling weaker but with the same willingness to reach out. Suddenly, an idea encouraged the survivalist to be humorous but again, with manners.
"You-you remind me about my former lover. . .his name was Gray." Lara said, stirring one boot on the ant hill and walking around a tree with head-turning claw marks. "Get this, the handsome guy was born with grey eyes. Every time the light angled just right, his irises turned either a deep blue or dark green. Fell for him once we recited our Sweet 16s. That was what I called bloody marvelous."
Robin Prestley gave her response a second thought to be less oppressive, but shrugged as she came into and from the shadows.
Not that she improved her way of speech.
"Ever had a guy slap you head on like he was some big deal?"
She parted her lips in a motion to speak, but was taken aback to answer before it made any clarity.
"True. BUT-" Robin seized her velociraptor claw. "I'll always remember my first Ian. . . he engraved my name on it."
"Cutie." remarked Lara, eyes tracing the I-A-N.
"Yep-viola. He gave this one to me, thinking it'll 'give a touch' to our Christmas tree." she said as-a-matter-of-factly, then gave emphasis. "Did I say he 'gave' this to me? I actually stole it like a crook."
"Hey-about the Comps back there. . .did they ever attack you on the island?"
Robin went 'tsk, tsk, tsk' with her tongue at the remark, "I would say it's their natural instinct."
"Oh yea?" Lara gazed at the ground before her accomplice's boots. "Get this-nature on the island has to be bigger than any virus those goons are transmitting. DPSI & Trinity have their competition to kill the assets, in that way people will thank their actions as 'favors' instead of bloody deeds. Trinity's on to the virus, if Tray Ackerman's master piece obtains it's forcefield to further carnivores & herbivores, agent C10 will ultimately make them haywire in the head."
"Trinity's unbelievable on their take of their C10. For once, they don't hurt victims literally. If dinosaurs die quickly, suspicious only grows at the same rate."
". . . . Gotcha. Let's get to the horses, see where we can get your rubix working."

Project Sorna
AdventureThe day Robin Prestley quit her job was a relief. At least, that's how sequence of events go until her study-filled extravaganza to the deserted Isla Sorna goes south all due to her ex-boss and his pure selfish-ness. The truth really was that ever s...