Emilee Jane Rivers

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Hey, my name's Emilee.

I'll let you in on a secret because I know you won't exploit me for it.

But I'm only letting you in on this one. There are many others you won't find out about until later.

I can't help there.

*Phew* okay, here it goes.

I can read people's emotions. And practically feel them myself if I tried hard enough. Even take them away if the person is suffering because of them.

Only problem? I get absorbed in them. Could you imagine what it's like, daily feeling everything from anger to happiness, from fear to unexplicable joy.

It's enough to drive a person bonkers.

I've never told anyone though, because I know the first thing they'll say.

"Omg do mine! What am I thinking?" after I do, they'll also go "No you're lying, that's not what I'm feeling at all."

Even though it's fucking plain as day on their face.

But enough about that. So, uh, what can I tell  you about me?

You'll probably see me on My Strange Addiction sometime soon because of my addiction to Blue Raspberry Dumdums. My friends always teased me because my lips and teeth were constantly a shade of blue. 

I also LOVE Doctor Who. Ever since I saw the first episode of the one with the 9th Doctor, I just had to go through and watch them all, including the cheesy 1960's graphics. But it was worth it, and now i'm not so patiently waiting for season 8. 

I watch sappy chick flicks too, can't get enough of them. I mean, I already know the plotline of what's going to happen and how it turns out anyway because damn, are they predictable. But I enjoy every minute of it.

I'm not much of a reader because some books aren't exciting enough, but I do have a few stashed around my room. I find myself loving the Stephen King books, I love being scared I guess.

My top 3 favorite bands would have to be Muse, Arctic Monkeys and All Time Low. But like most teens, I have plenty more, and it took me a while to be able to even pick a favorite.

Because a person's music taste is everything to them.

Well, guess I'll see you in the long run. Toodeloo.

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