Chapter 2: Blind Guy Gives Me Muffins.

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  Emilee's POV:

After what seemed like hours of convincing my family that I could stay home by myself and be perfectly okay, I was finally able to convince them. It's not that they expected me to blow up the house or anything, it's just that a lot of things had happened that made them well.. not exactly trust me on my own any more. I could feel worry emanating off them so strongly, I felt worried myself. But as I watched them drive away, I felt that disappear as I realized with happiness that I could have my music or my YouTube video's playing as loudly as I could without complaint, so I ran downstairs to my room in the basement and smiled happily at the way I had reorganized it. My hammock that I slept on (I didn't like mattresses) was in the corner, covered with all my pillows and blankets. Next to it was my hand-painted white desk and purple spinny chair. I had rugs put together like puzzle pieces, all different shades of purple, gray and white as my carpet, and I had a swing that hung from the ceiling in the corner where I usually sat and looked out the giant-ass window I had in my room. Next to that I had a bookshelf that contained like, what, ten books that I actually liked plus a crap ton of sketchbooks, my movies and stuff I got from visiting vidcon. I also had polariod photographs taped up on all the branches of the giant tree I had painted on my wall, and lastly my closet, which was walk-in, to contain about half my clothes, and half the clothes I stole from my mom and sister.

        To me, my room was paradise. I had painted the double doors of my closet to look like the TARDIS, which I think looked pretty awesome. I had Skyped my other friend Maria, who was going into Interior design and showed her my room, and she told me I did an okay job. Which, coming from her, was a compliment. Sometimes.

I sat down on my spinney chair, swiveling back and forth as I scrolled through my subscribtion list on YouTube, looking for updates. I was addicted to YouTube. It got me through so many hard times, so I even started a channel myself. I had an okay number of viewers, not as many as Tyler Oakley (my queen) of course, but enough.

        Around noon I decided to go into the kitchen and microwave the dinner mom left for me in the fridge, when my doorbell rang. I froze, worried. I did not like speaking to people I didn't know. I got shaky and nervous, and was worried I would say the wrong thing. I slowly walked over to the door, wondering if I should just let the person think I wasn't home.

The doorbell rang again and finally I figured the person would just keep ringing it if I didn't do something. So I opened the door to find....a guy. 

        He had two black rings around his bottom lip, giant black nerd glasses and shaggy brown hair. He was focused on a point above my head, and I waved. He didn't wave back.

        "Uh, hi?" I asked. His eyes slowly traveled downward a little, so now he was focused on my forehead. I self-conciously put my hand there. Did I have a zit?

        "Hey. Uh, this is the River's house right? Family that just moved here?" He asked me. I nodded, and when he didn't make any movement or signs that he knew I nodded, I frowned. He was staring right at me.

        "Uh, you okay? You don't seem to be very focused." I said. He laughed, sort of a harsh laugh, and I tried to read his emotions. I almost stepped back at what I got. There was so much anger, so much sadness. Only little waves of natural contentness waved through.

        "Probably should've worn my sunglasses to make it more clear. I'm blind. Have been for four years now. I'm about as focused as I can be." He said. I put a hand to my mouth in embarrassment. God, how could I not have known? I have a cousin who's blind. She's barely two.

        "God, I'm so sorry. Yeah, this is the River's. I'm Emilee." I say. He holds out his hand and there's a basket in it. I take it, not sure if that's what he wants me to do.

        "My mom made muffins for you. Of course she has the blind kid deliver them because my lazy ass brother doesn't want to." He said. I laughed a little.

        "I know what you mean. My sister pays me to do all her chores." I say. He smiles, and two very deep dimples appear on his cheeks. He reminds me of Dan Howell. I smile back, and it saddens me to realize he can't see that I'm smiling back.

        "Oh, well thankyou." I say. He nods, and shifts on his feet, not knowing what to do next. I nervously chewed on my nails. What on earth was I supposed to say??

        "You starting highschool in the fall?" He asks after a moment of silence.

        "Yeah. At Jessaway County High. I'm gonna be a sophomore." I say.

        "Me too. Uh, maybe we could hang out sometime. Since, you don't know anyone..ya know." He said awkwardly. My face flushed. What on earth was I supposed to do with a blind guy?

        "That'd be great." I say. He nods and hears a dog bark, and he turned his head in that direction and whistled.

        "I gotta go. Maybe you'll see me sometime." He said. I almost laughed at the way he phrased his sentence. A dog came bounding up, licking the guy's leg.

        "This is Bubba. He's sort of my eyes." He said with a small smile, and I felt strong affection break through all the anger. I could also tell the anger wasn't really acknowledgable to him. Like he didn't even know he was so angry.

        "What's your name?" I asked, letting Bubba sniff my hand. He did, and put his paw in my hand, and I shook it, laughing. How charming.

        "Matthew, but don't ever call me that. Just Matt." He said. He waved his hand a little, and turned around, keeping one hand on Bubba's head. He was a giant black labrador, so Matt didn't have to reach down that far.

I shut the door, wondering if I had just made friends with a blind guy. How on earth were we going to hang out?

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