Chapter 26: I spill my secrets to a discovered drunk

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   Emilee's POV:

Weeks pass by, practically eventless, besides the few random kisses me and Matt spring on each other. Were we dating? Were we a thing? Was he ever going to suddenly ask me out? Then again, he technically was every time he asked to go some place with me, to which I always happily obliged, but did that even count?

        My head spun with these thoughts as I lay on my hammock, staring out my window. I had a nice view from where I was laying, and I could see literally right across the street, knowing that Matt's room was the window on the left, and it glowed with a golden light when his ceiling lamp turned on. It was off right now, and I felt like such a creeper for looking at it, but it was late and I was focusing on anything but trying to go to sleep, because I knew I wouldn't be able to fall asleep if I tried too hard.

Yeah, wrap your mind around that.

My attention suddenly went to his light flickering on, then off again in a flash. Was he developing some sort of signal for me or something? I was curious, and suddenly the front door opened and Matt himself was walking out of it and around his house to the backyard.

I lay there for a while, pondering on texting him to see what was going on. In fact I even did text him a few times. But as I saw a small white glow blink on in his bedroom, I figured out after the fourth text that he left his phone in his room.

        To be nosy or not to be nosy? That was the question.

After a half an hour or so of dozing off and on again and thinking about Matt, I finally decided to pull on the jacket I still haven't given back to him and a pair of ugg boots, and climbed out the window, holding the customary stick in place.

        I learned to spray bugspray all over my window-sill though. 

I walked across the street and into Matt's backyard as silently as possible, and got even more worried when Bubba was pacing outside a tent, whining and pawing at the tent. He bounded over to me, keening and whining as I knelt down to pet him.

        "What's wrong puppy? Where's Matt?" I ask in an embarrassing doggy-talk voice.

        "Emilee! Emileeeeeeee, is that youu? I hear hear youuuu!" A drunk voice calls from the tent. Dear lord, what? I unzip the tent flap and crawl in the giant family sized tent to see Matt laying in a corner against some pillows, a semi-empty bottle next to him, and multiple others similar to it littered around the tent. One whiff and I knew that it was alcohol, and he was stunned drunk.


        "Matt, what the fuck are you doing?" I ask, crawling over to where he lay and sat next to him. He has a stupid happy smile on his face, and his sunglasses are askew, so his eyes are focused on a point near my shoulder, which I supposed was pretty good considering the state he was in.

        "Forgetting. I think too much, makes me sad. Very very sad. Matt no likey the sad! Drinks make sad go away!" He said, talking like a five year old. Dear God, my best friend was an alcoholic.

        "Okay Matt, how many have you had tonight?" I ask. He shrugs, then puts on a thinking face.

        "1 and a half!" He says proudly, holding up the semi-empty bottle next to him. It was almost completely gone, and I quickly took it away from his hand. He didn't notice because he started singing to himself.

I was worried sick. He was bound to get alcohol poisoning. I sure as hell knew his family had no idea that this was even happening, and he needed to get help soon. 

But now I was stuck here until the hangover came, which I had no idea when it would.

Oppurtune timing too, because our parents were sleeping overnight at my uncle's house. I sent Marcie a quick text saying I was with Matt because he was sick and his parents were asleep and didn't know how long I'd be. She texted back an "okay" and I put my phone away, looking back at Matt.

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