Chapter 17: A surprise

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  Matt's POV:

I'm nervous as I sit outside Emilee's house, handkercheif in my hand, flashlight in the other and Carter waiting my signal. I have to wait until her parents are asleep, so they don't know that I'm actually taking her to the beach at midnight. I have it all set up over there too, where Marcie is waiting. I suddenly hear her father's soft snores, and I know it's time. I tap on her window softly. 

        "Emilee?" I whisper loudly. I hear the window opening, and I make my move. I climb inside quickly, knocking her over, and before she can even react I tie the blindfold around her eyes. 

        "What the fuck." She whispers.

        "Don't worry, it's matt." I say. I stick my hand out the window, and click the flashlight on and off four times, while Emilee's struggling to get up.

        "I fucking hate you right now, you scared the living shit out of me." She whispers angrily. 

        "Sorry. You'll love me later." I say, helping her up. I push her towards the window and she climbs out, and as soon as I'm after her, I lead her towards the sound of Emilee's truck.

        "Talk about the blind leading the blind. Up this way m'lady, there's a step." Carter's voice says. He helps Emilee climb in, then helps me until I'm pressed against her and the door. From what I can tell, she has her arms crossed. 

        "Kidnapping me in my own truck? That's new." She says snidely. For some odd reason, she's super pissed. I put my hand on her knee.

        "Hey, this is a surprise. Be happy."

        "I would be if I hadn't left my laptop running." She mumbles. I laugh.

        "I'll tell Marcie to turn it off when she goes back to your house."

        "She's in on this too?" She asks.

        "All set!" Carter climbs in and shuts his door, driving away. 


        "Can you at least give me a hint as to where we're going?" Emilee asks, less pissed and now more curious. I smirk.


        "What, the surprise was to drive me around blindfolded then take me back home?"

        "Something like that."

        "Matt, for someone so impulsive, you should know that your plans really do suck." She says. I hear Carter chuckle. Her head rests on my shoulder and I hope she's not too tired.

We drive for a while longer, until the truck stops.

        "Here little blind ones." Carter's voice says. My car door is opened and a well-manicured hand helps me out. I'm guessing it's Marcie. I give her a smile, hoping she sees it. We get Emilee out of the car, and we're led through the gates, and I feel warmth, and the smell of salt and sand hits my nose. 

        "Bye kids, have fun. But not too much!" Carter yells. They drive away in Marcie's car, and I smile, taking Emilee's hand.

        "Matt, what fresh hell is this?" She asks me. I smirk, and reach up to touch her eyes through her blindfold.

        "Before I take this off you, I want you to think for a second. This is what it's like for me, constantly. Having to be led places, not knowing where I am, only depending on what people are telling me. I had my freedom taken away from me. I'll never be able to see for myself, go places I want to without having someone take me there. Life for me is like living with a blindfold on." I explain, trying not to sound so bitter. Emilee's hand touches mine.

        "I'm sorry." She says. I smile and put a finger to her lips. I realize my hands are shaking.

        "But it's become so much more bearable with you and this is a thankyou." I say. I then pull her blindfold off, and I hear her gasp.

I realize, in that moment, the only thing I want right now is to be able to see the look on her face.

A tear slides down my cheek, but I wipe it away and smile.

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