Matthew Rae Taylor

107 7 0

Hey there.

I'm someone whom everyone knows as blind-y. As they so generously nicknamed me. Very creative actually.

There's a reason behind it, obviously. I used to be able to see. Very well actually, I never needed glasses or contacts unlike half the kids in my grade did.

But all that's changed, and for the worst.

I had my whole life ahead of me, too. I was going to play national-league soccer. I had a scholarship just within finger-tip reach. 

I've been blind for a few years now, so it's not like this is all totally and shockingly new.

But I can't describe what it's like to open my eyes in the morning after a long sleep filled with dreams of technicolor to realize that I actually opened my eyes, and am not just staring at the inside of my eyelids. 

Anywho, I've become dependent on my ears and my other senses to guide me. I can tell my friends apart from others just by the rhythm of their footsteps, or the way they breathe, or sometimes by their particular scent. It's easiest though, because most of them are loudmouths, all I have to do is follow the direction of their voices.

I've become dependant on my phone too. It's sort of an interesting model, it plays music, as well as audio books. If someone wants to call me, it notifies me by voice alert. If I wanted to, I could text someone just by speaking into it and it would read me the texts back. 

Makes it pretty hard to text in class though.

Do I miss seeing? Of course. Every single second. I'd rather be blind than deaf though. I can tell you that straight up.

But hey, at least this makes me 30% more availiable. Who wouldn't want to be with a blind person, who'd never judge them for their looks?

But then again, 3 out of 4 statistics are made up, so I can't prove my theory true.

I like listening to movie soundtracks, but I'd have to pin my favorite band on Mayday Parade.

That's all I suppose. Catch ya later.

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