Chapter 29: In Need.

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  Matt's POV:

It's been a whopping 2 and a half weeks since I've had even a drop of alcohol, and the addiction was driving me insane. At communion last sunday, Carter had to physically restrain me from running up and grabbing all the wine cups. Well, okay, he didn't really. I had to mentally restrain myself, and Carter put a hand on my shoulder in case. But it felt like I was going down in a fist fight.

        Sad, I know. 

Emilee's been great though. But very sad lately. According to Jane, she's been seriously homesick, none of her friends back home skyped her any more. She's been in town for, about three months maybe and she still wore that suntan lotion. Every day. She went to the town's beach regularly and stayed there as long as possible.

She was homesick and bad.

I was alcohol sick and bad.

Which meant both of us fighting over the stupidest stuff, almost every day. We broke up about every hour, and made up the next. It was driving me insane.

        "I fucking hate you! I can't believe I wasted most of my time in this stupid town walking around with someone like you!" She yells, throwing her phone against the wall.

What? she wasn't that bitchy to me.

        "Need a new phone?" I ask. 


        "They have a job opening at Macy's down the street."

        "Yeah, but that would mean I would actually be planning to stay here. I'm leaving as soon as I can. I miss Cali."

        "Em, for the trillionth time, i'm pretty sure your parents made the change permanent."

        "No, for the trillionth time, they said when i'm better. Hence, I'm better now." 

        "No, you're a wreck who thinks it's totally okay to leave their best friend just because 900 degree weather. IN THE WINTER." 

        "Quit making this about you! You've lived in Iowa your whole life, you haven't had to move across the fucking United States of America AFTER just getting out of the mental slammer!"

        "I'm not saying your problems don't suck, i'm saying spend a little less time thinking about your own problems and about others! You wouldn't just be leaving me, you'd be leaving Carter and the rest of my family and Jane and 75 cent large buckets of popcorn at the Megaplex on weekends, and warm coke on the beach. Opening your locker to find a trillion blue raspberry suckers which you finished in a week and a half tops. Aren't you going to be homesick for Iowa once you get back to California?" I ask.

She plops onto the couch next to me and sighs defeatedly. I mentally congratulated myself on mastering Marcus's empathy technique. But who knew you needed to use an empathy technique on an empathetic?

        "You're right. I'd miss it so much. But my friends, it's like they completely forgot about me." She said, leaning her head on my shoulder.

I put my arm around her and listened as she turned the TV on. Surprisingly enough, it was quite entertaining to listen to movies or TV shows, and just imagine what they are doing. It was hilarious sometimes.

I wish that for one day my life wasn't filled with drama, because honestly it felt like my life was being written out in a hopless romantic teenage girl's online story some days.

        "Emilee, we have outstanding news!" Her mom's voice filled the kitchen as the front door opened. This made us both jump.

        "What?" She asks.

        "Your uncle is a whole lot better now, and your mother's job is practically begging to have her back. They're offering almost double the pay and insurance, we can move back to California!"


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