Chapter 1: Elsa

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A/N: im sorry for the grammar! This was one of my early stories and you know... i didnt know how to fix it back then 😅

Elsa's Pov

I walked around my ice castle feeling on its beautiful and cold I made this castle to get away from Arendelle. Anna comes a few times a week to check up on me after I made her queen in my place. I ran away after people discovered my powers... I can't be near them... they'll get hurt...

"Elsa!" I heard my sister call out. oh no... I always get so scared whenever she comes. I slow walked towards the steps looking down at my sister and her strawberry blond hair with blond-white strap that I caused. "oh Elsa, there you are" she smiled

"Anna" I nodded without a smile. it's not that I don't love her...I'm just trying to protect her. "What brings you here?"

"I always come up here..." she frowned. "but since you asked...Kristof proposed!" she jumped in excitement. I was excited about the news, but was also sad that I never got the chance to be close with her again... and now I know that I'll never have that opportunity.

" happy for you" I stuttered forcing a smile. I slowly walked down the steps towards her and stopped a few steps away. "Anna, now that you are Queen, a new king is going to be a lot of work. he will need help on ruling on your side" I told her

"Of course I will! and besides, he's not a royal like us. I'll do most of the ruling" she pointed out

"I suppose you are right" I nodded. she held her hands together ready to say something

"Elsa..." she started "will you...come to the ceremony and be my maid of honer?" she shyly asked. I took a step back

" know I can't " I turned so that I wouldn't see the look on her face

"But Elsa...this is very important to me! you have to come!" she cried. I shook my head

"Anna, you seem to forgotten that I'm dangerous, I can hurt you! look at the strap of white hair on your head! I caused that! I almost killed you! I can't risk that ever happening again! please Anna" I growled. snow began falling, I can't control my powers, she needs to leave... "you have to go Anna! now!" I turned glaring

"No! I'm not leaving without you!" she cried furrowing her brows

" are!" I hurried to grab her cape and dragged her outside. I created a Icy slide that travels all the way down to Arendelle. I made snow under her feet and it lifted her onto the slide

"No Elsa! You can't do this! please!" she cried more

"I'm sorry Anna, this is for your own protection..." I pushed her and she began sliding down to the kingdom.

"Elsa...?" I heard my snow cat called, Olaf didn't live with me, he lived down in the kingdom with Anna, he is her second protector. "Why did you make her leave?"

I sighed frustrated running my hand in my platinum blond bangs. "you don't get it Diamond... I don't have control over my powers...i can hurt her again...and I can't let that happen... not again" I walked back inside as diamonds ice paws clacked on the icy floor behind me. at least I'm not completely alone.

Days went by and I sat by diamond in the main room making snowflakes, throwing them, played around in the snow and did some remodeling in the castle. it was beginning to become boring without Anna and everyone... I heard a knock on the door. it automatically opened...i need to fix that.

"What are you doing here Anna?" I asked lifting my chin. she wore her royal dress. it was green and black and it didn't show any skin on her body. it was similar to the dress I wore for my coronation. she wore her royal crown and had her hair done up. she normally wore loose clothing, not formal like I would wear...

"Elsa...i don't know if you know already but I've married yesterday" she said with no emotion, I made a face at her behavior

"That's great, how was it?" I asked. a small smile appeared on her face. She took out a small book from her bag

"It was amazing..." she walked up to me handing me the photo album. the pictures were beautiful... she looked so happy in her dress next to Kristof. I'm so happy for her

"You look beautiful Anna, as always..." I smiled looking at her blue eyes.

"Thank you Elsa...that means alot" she took back the album after I was done with it. she cleared her throat and lifted her chin "I have some news for you dear sister" whoa...why was she acting like this? I get that she had to look professional as queen but I'm her sister

"What is it...?"

"Arendelle... they said that a princess or prince that isn't going to be king or queen anytime soon is told to be send away..." she tried hard to keep a straight face. her news shocked me

"What!?" I gasped

"I was told to come get you so you can get on the ship first thing in the morning tomorrow" she closed her eyes shut trying to hide her tears.

"A ship!? no! I can't leave! I live here! this isn't fair!" I freaked. tears creeped out of both our eyes

"I'm sorry Elsa...i don't want you to go either... but it's the law...if you were still queen, I would've been the one to be send away... I'm sorry..." she cried

"But where would I go!?" snow started falling again. no, conceal! don't feel! "I can't leave Anna!"

"You have to! if you don't...other people from other countries will find you and...kill you!"

"That's crazy! there's no point to this!"

"It's not my choice Elsa" she went serious "as queen, I order you to come with me and get on the ship tomorrow!" I knew she was trying to protect me...killing me was pointless! i know I'm dangerous but still!! Anna was queen now...and I'm snow queen... but I have no people by my side. so I had to obey

"Yes your majesty..." I curtsied at my little sister, which was weird.

"Don't do that Elsa...your older. I might be queen, but it doesn't change the fact that your my older sister" she told me. I stood up straight nodding "let's go now..." she walked off frowning. I looked at my ice castle one last time and walked off

"Elsa!" Diamond called out

"Diamond...take care of this place, i'll be back" I said without looking at her closing the door behind me. I didn't know if I was ever coming back...i didn't even know where I was going...

"Here..." Anna handed me my gloves.

"Thank you..." These were the only things that can help control my powers "where are you sending me off to?" I asked putting on the gloves.

"To our aunt and uncle in Corona..." She told me getting on the slide "don't worry...our parents said that they are very nice people and our cousin is very nice as well" she smiled grabbing my hand "let's go" and with that we were off down the slide
I hoped you enjoyed my first chapter! I changed up this story abit. basically Anna was not shot inthe heart here.Elsa still can't control her powers and she lives in the ice castle for along time with diamond as her company.

Diamond is a character I created to make things alittle bit interesting. even though Elsa told her to take care of the castle.

I'm not good at explaining things! just wait for the next chapter! Bye now!

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