Chapter 17: Human?

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"W-what...?" I stuttered wide eyed, maybe I didn't hear that clearly

"Do you want to be human again?" she repeated. I was speechless

"Man in moon, is that really an option? I mean, you did choose him to be a guardian and all" Santa said

"It is certainly an option, and I did choose him, because if I didn't, he would refuse to do with you all and would've never meet Elsa in collage" she explained.

"But...if jack is going to be human, will he still have his snow powers?" Rapunzel asked behind us, totally forgetting they were in the room.

"I cannot promise anything" Elsa told her "but powers or not, I do want jack to be by Elsa's side, do you think that's something you would like to do?" she turned asking me

"I really do like Elsa, and do I get to have a home and a family ?" I asked getting kinda excited, but I didn't show it. she giggled

"Everything a human can do, you can have"

"Do it jack! I haven't seen my sister smile like that in so long, her smile was beautiful when she saw you after she woke up!" Anna almost cried smiling. my smile grew.

I turned to the guardians "what do you think?" I asked them. tooth came flying and hugged me

"I think that's a great idea! follow your heart" she smiled flying backwards

"It is destiny jack, I will be cheering you on and will check the naughty list 3 times for you" Santa laughed. sandy nodded making a heart made of sand over his head

"Anything to get you away from me" bunny rolled his eyes smiling, I knew he was joking

"Good, I wouldn't want to see you anyways" I flew over and noogied his furry head, he complained and pushed me away laughing

"Don't forget to brush!" tooth giggled.

"Ready jack?" Elsa asked. I don't know if I was, I mean..was this actually happening? I could really be someone? not Jack Frost the guardian spirt but as jack the human. I nodded taking a deep breath. she lifted the sword in her hands from earlier, I didn't realize she still had it, "good luck" she smiled brightly
I opened my eyes and found myself soaking wet near a icy lake...wait a minute. this was how I died! No! all that couldn't be a dream! could it?

I looked at my hands and noticed it was an olive color instead of pale. I looked up and noticed my surroundings. I was near a lake, and there was snow and trees everywhere, where's my sister. if It was a dream. wait, where's Elsa?

As reality came back to me, I wondered if I actually met her, and everyone else, did the guardians exists? was I really died? Where's my staff? Do I still have ice powers? and my main question...was I human? I looked at my reflection on the lake and noticed that my hair was medium brown again! I was human!

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