Chapter 6: Corona

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Elsa's Pov

I opened my eyes and noticed a wooden ceiling and i was wrapped in a purple blanket. where am i? last thing i remembered was being on a boat and there was a storm...

I sat up and flinched... my arm was in a cast and my head hurt like crazy. a man walked in a lab coat and noticed me at the end of the certain

"Oh, your awake!" he smiled, i looked at my surroundings, there was water everywhere. now that I've was kinda hot in here. My ice must've melted. "how are you feeling?" he asked walking towards me, he stopped at the end of the cot i was sleeping on

"Fine...where am i?" i asked looking around.

"You are in the infirmary in the kingdom of Corona" he told me. Corona? so i actually made it? where are the other men?

"Where are the other men?" i repeated my thoughts.

"They are fine, they have left back to Arendelle after they got the info that you'll be okay pretty soon. they left yesterday" he told me

"Yesterday? how long was i out?"

"Three days"

"Three days!?" ice grew on my seat, i covered it up with the blanket as quickly as i could. Don't feel! don't feel! Conceal!

"Yes, i will inform the king, queen and princess that you're awake...if thats alright with you" he asked turning around. the king, queen and princess?

"Um...yes, please" he nodded walking away closing my certain. i sighed in relief and noticed the ice i made had already melted. how strange... It usually doesn't melt this fast. Must be because it wasn't as strong as when i become nervous or something. i don't know

About 10 minutes passed and i heard a door open. the doctor opened my certain and came in a big man with a gold crown and brown beard, a beautiful woman with a tiara and brown hair and lastly, a pretty girl with long ombre hair, brown on the tips and blond on the top. it reached to her waist.

"Hello Elsa, i am queen Primerose of Corona,you may call me Rose and this is the king of Corona,Thomas. we are your aunt and uncle" the woman smiled, shes my aunt huh? she and my father kinda looked the same. "and this is our lovely daughter,Princess Rapunzel" Aunt introduce. Rapunzel looked very nice as she smiled.

"Nice to meet you all, i am Princess Elsa...Formal Queen of Arendelle" i bowed my head. they all smiled at me. they seemed like nice people. Rapunzel kinda reminded me of Anna.

"Well Princess, looks like you're fine now. you are able to leave when you can. make sure to keep your arm elevated so it can heal properly" he told me "may you tell me what happened back at the ship?"

" caught on fire from a storm that came out of nowhere...a big wave hit us and i landed on the side of the boat landing on my arm..." i practically lied, they cant know about my powers. i just met these people and i didn't want them hurt.

"I see...well, meet us in our kingdom when you are ready, alright sweetheart?" Rose asked. i nodded. Thomas, her and the doctor walked away. Rapunzel sat down next to me, conceal...

"Hi, nice to finally meet you" she smiled brightly "you gave me quite a scare back there. i was with my boyfriend when i saw you passed out near so much ice! you were freezing cold and i didn't think you'll make it...but I'm glad you did" man...shes so nice... "its very weird how there was ice in the summer... you think you know where it came from?"

I clenched my fist, which made me flinch from the pain on my arm "no, no i don't" i lied smiling. She looked at my arm

"That must be annoying"

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