Chapter 11: Shadows

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It's been a week since that day. I locked myself in my room avoiding people and classes. many people try to bring me out. but I wouldn't let them. I put a ice lock on my door to keep away intruders.

Hans slides his homework under my door, and Rapunzel brings my work that I miss. The only person I talk to is jack, but he sits outside my door and tells me stories about his travels and four annoying friends of his back home. I didn't want him near to get hurt, but it's nice to have company... he even brings me food.

"So told me you live in the north mountain. what you do up there? does it get lonely?" He asked outside my door. I sighed as I leaned on mine.

"I wasn't alone, I was with my pet cat,Diamond" I admit remembering her cute little icy paws that clacked on the floor as she walked

"A cat can survive up there? I like to see that" he laughed. if only he knew. "So I heard everyone can leave campus in the weekends, where you plan on going tonight?" he asked

"Here" in my room

"You don't want to go out? I mean, it's still cold outside but we can just hangout and stuff...if you want"

"Sorry...but I think it's safer for everyone if I stay in here" I admit

"Safer from what? why can't you tell me? I don't run away, I promise" I could feel him smile.

"No jack...just leave me here. please" I begged. he sighed loudly

"Alright Elsa...see you Monday" he walked away. it's not like I wanted him to leave. it's just that there's nothing for me really out there. corona isn't my home, it's Rapunzels. my home is in Arendelle. and I can't go back...

"Elsa! I'm going to leave now! you sure you don't want to come?" Rapunzel asked from behind the door.

"Yes" I told her

"Okay..." her and I bet, Eugene's foot steps fated away. I was left alone.

I looked at the wall clock and read 6:00, everyone in the school should be out by now. this was my opportunity to leave.

I ran out the school and into the snowy forest. i wasn't planning on running away, just getting away from that small room of mine...well, it wasn't exactly small, in fact, it was a good size to fit 500 Olafs.

I was far enough in the forest so i wouldn't be seen by any people. I sat down on a pile of snow and took off my gloves. i made snow it my hands and it fated away in the soft wind. I formed my hands together and created a butterfly out of snow. it flapped its thin glass wings and flew on my shoulder, how cute. i was having so much fun just letting it go, no one to hurt, just me and my bug.

"Isnt that precious" a unknown dark voice laughed out. i quickly stood up looking at my surroundings, but no one was around. "So you're the formal queen that cant control her frost powers"

"How do you know who i am?! show yourself!" i ordered glaring at nothing.

"Now now dear Elsa, no need to be alarmed" a dark figure came out from the trees. it was a boy. his skin was grey. his clothes, messy hair, and eyes were pure black, full of darkness

"Who are you" i took a step back.

"Im Bo, i go to school with you" he pointed out lifting his palm where it faced the trees above him, there was darkness forming in the palm of his hands, and he seemed amused by it

"w-what are you?" my eyes widened in fear. i took a step back about to run

"theres no point in running" he released a shadow army around me. one of his shadows killed the ice butterfly i made on my shoulders, no! what is he!? "now be a good girl and listen to me...i would like to make a deal" he grinned

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