Chapter 18: Princess?

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Jacks pov

I closed my eyes and felt her warm hug touching my body. i could stay like this forever...

"Jack!" that voice again, who was it? i kept my eyes close "Jack Frost!" i snapped my eyes opened and saw myself in the Summer High's gym staring at my friends giggling at me, I'm back where i originally was. i was still holding Elsa and let go looking at her bright blue eyes "finally! you look very dashing" she giggled

I looked down at her outfit, she wore the same pretty scale dress while i had the same vest she made me in dream? i touched my hair and saw brown tips.

"You are human! my boy!" Santa yelled out hugging the life out of me

"Yeah...but if you don't let go...i'll die...again" i said between breaths. he laughed letting me go "i still cant believe it... i look the same but kinda feel the same" i wanted to test out my powers, if i still had them, i wasn't holding my staff. i twirl my fingers like i did, making a snow tornado and now blew it at Elsa's face like it was a kiss. she blushed cupping her cheeks. she was so cute "looks like i still got it" i winked

"dont get ahead of yourself boy" bunny told me

"shouldnt you be preparing eggs?"

"easter isnt for another few months" he hissed

"but christmas is in two months! i gotta go!" santa paniked throwing his snowglobe at the air making a portal. the guys ran through it in a hurry, tooth flew towards us

"have a good life you two, i look foward to seeing my nieces and nephews" she giggled flying through the portal and disappeared, elsa and i's face was bright red, did tooth really have to say that? Elsa and i looked at each other and blushed more

"This is great! you're human now! You were kept in this world just to be with Elsa! how romantic!" Rapunzel squealed excitedly. we all giggled.

"How long was i was out?" i asked anyone

Elsa's pov


The moon had asked me to use my body to speak with jack and the other guardians, i didn't mind this.

My mind was off to space. While the moon was speaking, i was put into a world i wasn't recognized with. i opened my eyes and saw snow around me, by a frozen lake. hmm...

I stood up and looked around the unknown area. I heard growling, i didn't know wither to go see what it is, or run. run of course!

Before i took a step back, i heard laughing. i walked up to see where the laughing was coming from. as i found where it came from, i hid behind a tree.

"Jack! you baboon! You look funny doing that!" a small brunette girl with some other children laughed at a tall brunette boy that was holding antlers on his head, mimicking a deer or something, it was pretty funny how he was acting.

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