Chapter 9: Red

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I sat in second period language class. where they teach you every language in the world. I don't see how anyone's going to pass this class. the class room was full and I sat on a desk behind a empty one in front of me and a empty one next to me

That one ombré hair girl came in with her hair covered in red near the brown part of her hair. was that blood? "Miss corona! Where have you been?" the teacher, Ms.Blue, asked. Corona? her last name is the name of a kingdom? that's odd. she looked sad and depressed looking up at the teacher. did something happen to her friend?

"I'm sorry miss... My friend was injured so I had to check up on her... She won't be joining us till next week" she sighed. what happened?

"Oh? I understand, please take your seat next to Mr.Frost" Ms.Blue told her pointing at the empty seat next to me. The girl frowned sitting down and the lesson was taught.

"Hey" I whispered at the girl next to me "I'm Jack, what your name" I asked. she looked at me frowning but forced a smile

"I'm Rapunzel, pleasure to meet you" she said bowing her head

"Mind me by asking but why is your hair red?" I asked. she lifted her hair looking at the additional color

"It's paint" she admit.

"Oh, I understand...hows your friend?" I know I'm being very nosy but I couldn't help myself.

"She's fine...she lost a lot of blood and she needs rest"

"So is that blood in your hair?" Her eyes went wide. I guess she was lying.

"No, it's paint" she pouted. I chuckled

"Alright, I believe you"

"Mr.Frost! Do you wanna tell the class how to say 'garden' in French!" shouted. how did she catch me and not Rapunzel?

"It's basically the same thing in English, just with an accent, Jardin" I explained. from living all these years, you pick up some stuff in different countries. Ms.Blue huffed

"Just pay attention!" she turned around red and started writing on the board with chalk. is just a waste of time for me, I mean look at me! I'm a guardian! a person that controls frost! I don't need this! but I can't do anything about it because of the moon.


I opened my eyes and felt so much better, I was still light headed but my food felt better. I stood up slowly holding my head and saw that my leg was perfectly fine! the ice I had out on it was broken and shaved off. oh that's right, Eugene and Rapunzel came over and helped me. she must've healed my leg with her magic hair. I looked around the room and saw some purple luggage near the closed door with a note. I slowly stood up and almost fell over.

Alright, I got this...I walked towards the luggage with Arendelles print design and looked at two notes.

"Dear Elsa,

You've been hurt very badly when I came in here in your room. don't worry though! I had healed you completely. all you need to do is rest and eat and you'll start class next week. I had put some food in your mini fridge that'll last a week! you gave me such a worry! i'll be here after school to check up on you!

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