Chapter 7: School

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I cant go to school...i cant... what will happen if my powers burst out, out of nowhere and accidentally stab someone...i got it! if something happens, they wont know I'm a princess, i'll just be a normal girl... and i'll shut people out so i wont have to hurt them...its perfect! no one should get hurt! I still can't believe I'm going along with this... Rapunzel and Eugene are waiting outside my door to pick me up.

I lifted my arms slowly and made a blue sparkly "summer" dress that ends over my knees. The straps come together around my neck and white sparkly flats. man... I never get tired of this part of my power.

I walked out and saw Eugene in brown pants, brown boots, a white button up shirt, with a man purse. and Rapunzel in a hot pink summer dress that reaches above her knees, with lavender ribbons on the front tied in a bow, pink flats and her hair tied and a huge thick braid filled with small flowers.

"Elsa! that dress is beautiful!" Rapunzel gasped amazed. "where did you get that dress? I don't remember you having a suit case with you. there was nothing found on the boat besides boat supplies"

"Um...i made it" I said truthfully. "I found some materials in my room and I decided to make this" I now lied. Rapunzel nodded understanding

"Well, it's a very beautiful dress there. now let's go before we are late!" We ran off to the exit. My eyes widened at the view. it was softly snowing...bits of snow was on top of the roads and food stands. I did this... it had to be me... "snow? where did this come from?" Rapunzel asked catching a snowflake in her hands.

"Don't know, but Corona knows how to deal with ice and frost. it'll be fine" Eugene promised taking her hand and walking down the steps to the horse stables. I held my hands together close to my chest

"Okay can stop this winter... just. don't feel! don't feel!" I told myself.

"Elsa?" Rapunzel called wearing a thick jacket with Eugene handing me the same jacket. "are you okay?"

"Yes, fine...very fine" I awkwardly laughed. The cold didn't bother me, but I took the jacket anyways and put it on. A white horse with a grey nose walked next to Eugene ready to go.

"This is my friend Maximus, he traveled with Eugene and I to go see the lanterns, he was after Eugene when he was a wanted thief" She explained giggling. he was a thief? Well, he had to come from somewhere. I mean, Kristof was a ice carrier...or something like that "shall we go?" She asked getting on Maximus. Eugene got on a random black horse and a pure white horse walked to my side. I jumped in surprise and fell on my butt. ice shot out around us and shot the white horse. it stood on it's two legs frightened and ran off. my eyes shot wide. I looked over at Rapunzel and Eugene. they looked surprise more then shocked. she got off Maximus was walked towards me

"No! stop! Don't touch me!" I yelled "please...I don't want to hurt you" i said more softly. she gave me a sad smile

"I'm not scared Elsa... it's okay. why didn't you tell me you have powers like this?" She asked

"Because I didn't want to hurt you! I don't want to hurt anyone!" I cried. she looked at her blue gloves and took them off

" need these more then I do" she handed them to me, I slowly took them wondering where my other gloves have gone. "I'm not scared Elsa...we'll get through this, together!" she smiled. she's so much like Anna...

"Alright..." I nodded sadly. I looked at the gloves I had on and squeezed my hands. she took my hand and brought me on top of Maximus. she lifted her hood over her head and looked at me.

"You'll be fine cuz" she smiled. then the three of us were off. I hope that horse is okay...i didn't mean to shoot ice near its heart...

We rode pass the bridge out of Corona...the ocean was completely frozen...i shut my eyes hoping it wasn't my fault...but who else could it be? It was my fault, I did this... I tried my hardest not to touch Rapunzel, even though she's right in front of me...

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