Chapter 4: Arendelle

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I have to was really fun going down the slide to Arendelle. I should've put one in my castle when I had a chance. Anna and I had reached the front gates of the kingdom...

"I can't go in Anna...people will recognize me..." I looked down. she looked at me in concern. she took off her cape and put it around me and lifted the hood.

"Don't I said a thousand times... you're not dangerous" she smiled holding my hand leading me towards the kingdom. I don't want anyone to see me, they all hate me... I could see people staring, so I looked down and lowered my hood.

"It's okay" Anna whispered. I took a deep breath and nodded

"It's princess Elsa!" a random person yelled out. I shot my head up causing my hood to drop. people were smiling sadly at me. I don't understand...i thought they thought I was a monster

"I convinced them that you were good... they aren't scared of you anymore" Anna told me. I stared at everyone then finally gave a sad smile. a little girl ran up to me and I quickly flinched. don't feel...don't feel... She handed me a purple flower. I kneed down and took it from her

"Thank you" I smiled. I created a similar flower made of ice and gave it to her. She smiled brightly as she brought her sleeve closer to her palm and took it from me and ran off to her mother. I'm so glad I didn't flip.

"Let's go" Anna told me, I waved good bye to everyone and followed her inside my old home...I became nervous... the last time I was in here, my secret was revealed. "you may go to your room and pack..." she frowned "but I don't think you need to because you made that beautiful dress" she tried to cheer me up.

"Alright Anna..." I walked back to my old room.

~the next morning~

It's so weird to be back in my old room. My room was ruined by the old ice that I made. The water ruined the floors and walls. but I didn't mind really...

I stood up from bed and noticed my surroundings. it was sharp ice on the walls. I gasped cupping my mouth. how could this happen over night when I was asleep!?


"Elsa?" Anna called from out the door. I was actually hoping she'd asked me if I wanted to build a snow man. my head shot at the door wide eye. she can't see this. my bed started to freeze soft snow. I jolted out my room not worrying about wearing my old pjs and closed the door next to Anna and Kristof out of breath "are you okay?" she asked me worried

"Yea...fine" I lied between heavy breaths. I sat up straight acting like nothing happened and cleared my throat "shall we?" I asked

"Um...don't you wanna change first?" Anna asked pointing at my purple cotton sleeping gown. I blushed seeing Kristof looking the other way. he saw me in my gown... Oops..

"Right" I closed my eyes and created a white silk icy dress that ruffled down my feet and silken down my arms. The white dress itself was laced and sparkly. much like my other dress. but without the cape.

"Pretty!" Anna jumped up and down excited. Kris looked back at me and smiled

"Your majesty" he bowed.

"King" I curtsied giggling. he looks so happy just by being near Anna. I was happy for them. I looked at my white short heeled heels and noticed snow. "um...lets go!" I ran off

"Elsa!" Anna called out following me from behind. "why are you running?"

"Just feel alittle but energized is all!" I lied.

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