Chapter 12: Bo

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Elsa's Pov

We traveled all the way to Corona. the ride was completely silent. relaxing for me but awkward for Jack. we flew over Corona and looked at the view shocked. Corona was completely frozen..

"How can this happen...?" Jack asked confused.

"Do you think you can reverse this?" I asked hoping he will say yes

"No...this isn't my ice. it's someone else's ice. I have to find out whose it belongs to" I bit my lip

"What makes you think someone did this? it could just be a normal snow day" I tried

"No, if it was just a normal snow day. I would know, because I make snow days. snow days are suppose to be fun... Not serious..." he growled. he's going to hate me no doubt.

"Okay, if someone did do this and you didn't, what will you do?" he looked over his shoulder at me

"Why are you asking so many questions?" I bit my lip harder. I could probably taste blood by now.

"Just curious"

"Well, I should put a stop of them and put them in their place" he admit. I yelped. He chuckle. "don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you, just call me your guardian" he winked. my face felt hot again.

"Oh look! there's Rapunzel and Flynn!" I pointed out near the castle. they were having fun in the snow. I remember Anna and I use to do that. she use to wake me up in the middle of the night just because she was bored. when I tell her to go to sleep, she always uses the words that usually gets to me 'do you want to build a snow man?' Then years later, that same snowman came to life after I created my ice castle.

"Oh yeah! wanna go say hello? I'll fly down the gate behind them and top out of the door so they won't know I'm flying" he suggested.

"No, it's okay... but let's look at the stables. I accidentally hurt a horse before I came to school and i wanna check up on it" I told him. he nodded and flew off to the stables. I jumped off and looked up at a ice statue of a horse. It was made of ice, but it was solid aqua blue. "wow, who ever made this really had some time in their hands to do all this detail" I thought. Jack came over and touched it's nose suspiciously.

"This is real..." He told me glaring

"Real ice?"

"No, it's a real horse" he traced his hands on the horses head "someone froze it's heart" I gasped. I distinctly remembered I did something like that to Anna's head. I hit this poor horses heart...and now it's frozen solid. I landed in my knees crying. why me..? I never wanted this. the storm picked up around me, around us, around Corona. Help me...please...i don't want this anymore! I never wanted this! I bursted out in tears closing my eyes. "Elsa!" I heard jack yell. but I ignored him continuing to cry. I eventually felt his hands grab on my shoulders. I didn't look up. "come on! we have to go!" he yelled shaking my shoulders.

"Please jack...just...just kill me"


My eyes widened at her words. "jack kill me! please!" she bursted out in tears. the wind was getting stronger. I had to act fast for the ice will effect her. I grabbed her arm and placed her on my back. we flew out of corona. it's like the wind was following us. I was loosing balance. Elsa was staining my hoodie with her tears, but I didn't mind.

I flew down the ground in front of the school and ran inside with Elsa still on my back. I eventually made it to her room and noticed that everything was covered in thin ice. the window was open. i placed Elsa on her snow covered bed and closed the window. i turned back to her and brushed off the snow she was one. she whimpered closing her eyes. i felt on her cheeks and they were freezing! they were as cold as mine.

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