Chapter 5: Rapunzel

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Rapunzel's pov

"Come on Eugene! come on!" i tugged on Eugene's arm as we ran through the beach close by my parents kingdom. Its so nice to be home after all those years giving in that stupid tower with Mother Gothel. that woman ruined my life for her selfish reasons... its all thanks to the lanterns that lead me home. with the help of my boyfriend, Eugene

"Rapunzel! why do you need so many sea shells!" Eugene asked carrying a bucket of seashells

"Because!! all the seashells come in this morning!" i told him stopping at my tracks picking up a white seashell and putting it in the bucket

"Thats not what i meant" he lifted his brow laughing. i rolled my eyes in humor

"Because I'm making paint! These seashells make the best paint!" i smiled

"How can seashells turn into paint?"

"You ask to many questions" i dipped him over and kissed him. "don't question your princess"

"Yes your highness" he said sarcastically in humor. i stood him up right. i felt a sudden chill and hugged myself

"Did it just get cold here? its summer, it shouldnt be this cold..." I shivered. Eugene laughed and looked over my head. he gasped. i turned where he was looking at and saw a girl wearing a white dress and had platinum blond hair, laying by the water passed out on her stomach near a bunch of broken ice "Eugene! get the guards!" i told him in a panic. he nodded and ran off

I hurried to the girl and pulled her away from the icy water. she was freezing cold! she wont be able to survive like this! but at least shes breathing... I pushed her so she could lay on her back. her left arm was bleeding, oh no!

I looked up and saw a crashed ship completely covered in snow. many men were on the other side of the beach and others were still on the ship. how could this happen?

"I found the guards!" Eugene yelled out as many of them came behind him with Maximus on his side.

"Go help those man!" i told the guards, they nodded and hurried to the rescue, i stood by the girls side. "Eugene! help me put this girl on Maximus!" I told him. Eugene did as told and picked her up bridal style

"Shes so cold! Like ice!" he placed her on Maximus's back and we ran off behind him. we took the girl to the infirmary located outside of the kingdom

"Doctor! we have a bunch of people coming in from a ship wreak!" i yelled out as Eugene picks up the girl and puts her on a cot.

"I'll do what i can!" the doctor said. before he could get up on his desk, the soldiers came by with the men and put them on other cots in the infirmary.

"These people are freezing cold! turn down the AC and get a bunch of blankets! now!" i ordered. the soldiers obeyed and ran to the supply closet for some blankets.

After the men and girl was wrapped in blankets, the doctor told us to leave the room. "think they'll be okay?" i asked. Maximus snorted

"I don't know, but lets check on them later, it should get warmer in about lunch time, they should be awake by then" Eugene told me.

"Alright" we began walking to the kingdom, Maximus stayed outside as the two of us went inside. where we bumped into mother and father. "oh mother! father! I didn't see you there"

"Its quite alright sweet heart" mother smiled looking at me with her green eyes. "i heard something went wrong at the beach, might explaining what happened?" i nodded

"Eugene and I were walking in the beach to find seashells for paint when we saw a girl and a crew of men washed up by a wrecked boat! the soliders, Eugene, Maximus and i took them all to the infirmary, but they were icy cold, mother! i don't understand why! its summer isn't it?" I asked. both father and mother looked at each other surprised

"There is a boat that was suppose to sail here this morning...maybe that same boat was the one we were expecting" mother told father

"Yes, lets hope the dear girl is okay" he told her

"Wait! how you know there is a her? what boat were you expecting?" i asked

"Your cousin from Arendelle was expected this morning" mother told me

"Anna?" i asked

"Elsa" Elsa? i haven't heard much from her, just that she was queen...wait

"Why is Elsa coming? i heard of the law they had there... isn't she queen? Why didn't Anna come?"

"Because Elsa gave Anna her crown while she lived in the north mountain" north mountain? "We shall go visit her after lunch" dad thought.

"Yes father" i curtsied and walked away with Eugene by my side to a room. the floors were covered in plastic and caned paint. "do you have the bucket?" i asked him. he bend down and handed me the bucket smiling. i walked over and grabbed a hammer. "oh! there you are pascel" i smiled as my little chameleon as he reappeared by one of my paintings of the symbol of my kingdom, the sun.

I started smashing the seashells in a bag and putting colored dust in it. as i smashed the shells, Eugene sat next to me. "you okay?" he asked

"Yeah, i just didn't expect to hear that my cousin had handed over her crown to her sister. i wonder why she would do that" i told him

"Maybe it was a really good reason. i mean,if Elsa was queen first, shouldn't she be the oldest?" i nodded "then maybe she just wanted her sister to stay in her kingdom while the other gets send away" he thought. it made sense

"Maybe, but i cant wait to finally meet at least one of my cousins. i wonder whats shes like" i started to think of the different personalities.

"Wait wait" Eugene started "didn't the queen say that she came from Arendelle? Didn't the formal king and queen came from there?" gasp! thats right! Elsa's parents died when they were on their way to see me after i came home! Elsa must've had it hard...

"That is correct..." I sighed continuing to smash the seashells and adding more dust and water into the bag. pascel looked confused on my shoulder.

After i explained what happened about everything to pascel, it was already lunch time. Eugene kissed my cheek and helped me up on my feet. i blushed at his doing

"Your so cute" he chuckled. i pushed his shoulder playfully.

"Shut up" i told him. he held my hands in his

"Please say you'll marry me" he begged

"Eugene, you already know my answer. i wanna wait till I'm older" i gave him a sad smile. he nodded and kissed my nose

"Shall we go to lunch then see your Cousin?" he asked smiling, i nodded and walked out my paint room holding my boyfriends hand


So what do you think of Rapunzel? wonder if you can really make paint that way...Doubt it. Hopeyou enjoyed this! school will be on their way soon!

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