Chapter 10: Silent

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Jack's Pov

Finally! lunch! not that i eat or anything but i'll just go to kill time. my first break in 4 hours! i walked around looking for a seat or table. when ever i walk, girls giggle and pull up a chair and offers it to me. i wave them no smiling and walked off.

What was it with all these girls? did they think...i was cute? well! i do have that effect on people! i laughed at myself.

"Hey Jack! over here!" Hans from 4th period wood shop called over at a table full of guys. I walked over and noticed Rapunzel super red from embarrassment for some reason. she waved at me and i waved back smiling

I went and sat down next to Hans "you're not going to eat?" he asked

"Nah, I'm not hungry" i told him waving my hand.

"Suit yourself. guys, this is Jack Frost. we have Wood shop together" Hans introduced. they hit me with 'hi' and 'sup?' "jack, this is 3 out of my 12 brothers right here. James, Terrence and River" he introduced a red head, a brunette and a blond, and they all had side burns just like, 12 brothers? must be hard. i only ever had a sister, but that was years and years ago.

"And this is Bo" he pointed at a messy dark black haired boy with grey skin, black clothes and black eyes. he looked like the type that doesn't speak much. he didn't even look at me when he was introduced. he kinda looked familiar.

"Uh...anyways, he doesn't talk much, but he's the leader of our group" hans explained. leader? group? "hey Bo, think he join our group here?" he asked

Bo looked up at me and grinned "yeah...sure. welcome along Jack Frost" he wore a sinister smile then went back to his food without the smile. well that was creepy

"What is this group exactly?" i asked

"Its nothing bad really, just a normal group that hangs with each other. consider ourselves the popular group" terrence laughed.

"Oh, in that case, sure" i smiled.

The bell ring to the last class and i could finally go to my room. i grabbed my staff and floated around my bed. my feet are tired, its good to float around again. the day actually made me want to go to sleep. but thats not happening is it? might as well make some snow flakes outside. i snuck out the window and my eyes widened

Snow everywhere...

Bo's Pov

When i first saw him, i knew who he was... Jack Frost... The Snow Rat that killed my father! the Boogie man! i'll get him for this... i'll have my revenge one day...

I walked in the halls as Hans had wrapped his arms around my neck "sup man!" he laughed. he can be pretty annoying, no, he is annoying

"Nothing" i told him continuing to walk the halls

"So you remember when you told me Jack had frost powers right?" he asked. i rolled my eyes

"Yeah, why?" i asked annoyed

"Theres a girl here in this school has the same abilities" he whispered. i came to a halt shocked wide eyed. i turned and looked at him

"Who" i hissed crunching my knuckled. he laughed

"The formal queen of Arendelle" formal? "she gave up the crown to her stupid little sister and came here. she seems to have no control over her powers"

"Thats excellent..." i grinned, a frost controller without any control... this is perfect.

Rapunzel's Pov

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