Chapter 16: Love and Hate

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Nobody loves me... i am alone... no one shall love me... for i am a monster... Darkness will always be with me... Everyone hates me... i hate everyone...


She...she was elevating ice... but how!? she stomped on the floor and covered every inch of the floor with sharp icicles, my classmates suddenly disappeared out the gym, but my friends were surrounded by the icicles completely afraid, Bo has gotten into them

"Powerful isn't she?" Bo laughed

"Why are you doing this!? why are you using her!?" i yelled

"Revenge Jack... you killed my father, so Elsa is going to kill you" he grinned

"I didn't kill him! He was killed by his own fear!" i explained

"LIER!" he shouted "you killed him! its all your fault!!" i reached for the guardian bells, but Elsa had froze them solid, the block of ice made me feel heavier, i dumped the bells and floated in the air

"Elsa stop!" i told her, but her face expression never changed. she hid her ice powers from me... we have the same powers, but she still hid them from me. she always kept her distance from everyone, could it be that she didn't have control? that she just didn't want to hurt me or anyone else...?

She elevated large ice balls and aimed them at me, i was lucky to had dodge everyone of them "stop elsa! this isn't you!"

"Not true...this is me...I'm a monster" she told me monotone. she shot ice underneath the air i was in and made a lifting column and slammed me onto the ceiling. it broken in pieces and i fell down towards the spikes

"Jake!" Rapunzel cried, i snapped out of my thoughts and floated in the air again

"Go on Jack! fight her! what are you afraid of?" Bo laughed. i don't want to fight her, when ever i see her, shes still the girl that i hung out with, that i talked to, laughed with, and kissed...
"Not going to fight? so be it"

He snapped his fingers and created black horses all around me, Elsa shot her ice at them and a combination of darkness and Frost. her hand started glowing and made a snowball in her hands, she threw it in the air and the magic spread to the horses.

The horses huffed in anger, they ran towards me, i kept dodging and shooting. "guys help me!!" i called out to my friends with weapons. they finally snapped out of it and shoot at every horse that came closer to them.

A storm was beginning around us, i could see Elsa holding onto her head as if she was trying to stop "thats it Elsa! control it! don't be the monster Bo thinks you are!" i persuade her.

"Useless" Bo sang rolling his eyes "Okay Elsa, just like you did in your nightmare when you shot Anna in the heart on accident, except this will be on everyone that you thought loved you" he grinned

She looked up and glared at me, "Elsa no!!" The girl cried

"Don't do it! We're your family! they're your friends!" Rapunzel cried. could that girl be her sister that she almost killed? she had a white scrip of hair on top of her head. And what did Bo mean by 'in her nightmare'? what was she going to do?

Elsa absorbed all the storms ice and wind to the palms of her hand, she begun to turn slowly

"Almost there..." Bo loud whispered. she released her power towards us, but before it could hit us, Bo flew in and blocked the ice for us, instead of hitting us, she hit herself in the heart. she dropped to her knees in pain "I want you to feel the same pain I got when something important to me was taken away-agh!" Bo fainted, Elsa had threw him a hard ice ball as she struggled to keep her eyes open. I quickly flew towards her

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