Chapter 2: Anna

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Anna's Pov

I just got married with my wonderful Kristof. I was so disappointed that Elsa wasn't coming on my big day...she didn't even come for my coronation! I sat in our new room on the bed just thinking about her

"Anna?" Kristof called out sitting next to me "are you okay?"

"No I'm not...I'm disappointed because Elsa never comes to the most important events... I miss her... she always shut me out... and now she won't even come near me after I discovered that she had ice powers..." I cried cupping my eyes. kris stroked my back for comfort. "thanks sweetie" I kissed his cheek

Olaf came into the room "hello there!" he smiled like the happy snowman he was.

"Hey there Olaf, what brings you here?" I asked whipping my tears away.

"Well first, are you okay?" I nodded smiling ", the royal duke wants to speak with you" he told me.

"royal duke? he doesn't speak unless it's important, I better go up there" I stood up

"Want me to come?" Kris asked standing next to me. I shook my head

"No, it's okay, i'll be back okay?" he nodded understanding. I walked out the room and to the library where the royal duke usually is and saw him reading a book standing up "sir?" I called. he turned and smiled

"Young queen" he bowed, this is going to take some getting use to. I've only been a queen for a month. "I like to speak with you about something important"

"What is it?"

"It's about your sister..." my sister? my sister hasn't been mentioned in the kingdom for over a month since the day of the gates opening and that accident at the party. "Look at this my queen" he handed me a book that shows the picture of two royals standing side by side as siblings. "now turn the page" he told me. I obeyed and saw a picture of one of the siblings wearing a crown while the other is without one. I turned the page and saw the crown less sibling chained up as the crowned sibling was looking away in sorrow, not wanting to see anything

"What is this?" I asked

"There is a law here in Arendelle my queen. you and Princess Elsa are siblings, and are both the same gender. only one can rule. the other must be killed" I gasped

"Killed!? no! you can't kill my sister! I won't let you!" I yelled glaring

"Please my queen! let me finish!" I sighed letting him do so "the second royal cannot rule when the other is doing so right now... I don't want princess Elsa to be killed. so I want her to be send away to another land"

"But Elsa isn't even here! she's in the north mountain! she's doing no harm!"

"Maybe, but people in other countries have heard of her powers... someone snitched... if she's not send away to somewhere safe. they will do the killing for us..." he frowned. I cried. I can't let anyone kill my sister! I can't! "Please go get princess Elsa and tell her the news...i don't want her to leave as bad as you don't" I nodded

"I shall get my sister at once...where shall she be sent to?" I asked

"In a small kingdom called Corona. you're aunt and uncle lives there. your parents was going off to see them and their lost princess that returned after being kidnapped when she was a baby. but unfortunately... you know what happened to the king and queen...i was told that they are very nice people" he explained. our aunt,uncle and cousin? that shouldn't be so bad...

"I shall get my sister at once...if you'll excuse me..." I lifted my dress giving a light curtsy and ran out to my room where kris and Olaf were

"Sweet heart, you okay? your eyes are red" Kris pointed out. I had explained everything that the duke and I discussed trying to hold in my tears "oh...well at least she'll be with her family...right?" I nodded

"Yes...I'm not going to let anyone kill her. she's not dangerous..." I sighed "and I don't know how I'm going to tell her that she is going to have to go to college"


"Yes" I looked at the book I never returned "I found a note from my parents that says that 'Anna shall go to school with other people so that if she doesn't rule. she can gain other knowledge to become someone else' ...but since I'm the queen and not Elsa...shes the one that has to go..."

"Well... I don't know what to say to that" kris admit rubbing the back of his neck. I giggled

"I don't either, but I'm going to change to my winter clothes and go up there" I went over and grabbed my dress, boots and cape

"Want me and Olaf to go?" He asked

"No, I have to do this on my own..." I went to the bathroom to change. I just got married yesterday, I'm not ready to change in front of him. I walked out the bathroom and faced my two boys "wish me luck" I sighed smiling. Kris came over and kissed me

"Good luck" he whispered.

"Yeah! good luck!" Olaf practically yelled. I giggled and was on my way. I decided to just walk there instead of getting my horse. the last time I used a horse, it abandoned me and I ended up landing in a cold river. after meeting kris and so on.

It took me awhile to reach Elsa's castle, but I finally made it...okay Anna, just knock...knock...


And there's the explanation...kinda. in this story, Elsa didn't freeze Arendelle. she used the bridge and avoided running in the water, not that she'll know it'll freeze everything.Anna went off to look for her. Elsa gave her her crown so that she could be queen. after so,kris and her went back to the castle and got to know each other on the way.

know....kinda boring sorry...:(

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