Hau'oli Shopping District

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"What shall I get for you?"

"Two sweet malasadas, and one bitter malasada, please!"

Beaming, Hau casually told the clerk person his orders. Gladion was simply eye-browsing the colorful malasadas that were lined up beyond the transparent glass, aweing.

"Gladion, let's seat in front of those giant windows looking out the sea!"


Slowly, Gladion followed Hau as they made their way to the table, walking through the nearly empty store. There was only one girl seated in the store, and she seemed around their age. Perusing through the menu, she seemed in dilemma, since her pokémon were all watching her, surrounding her. With a pair of cute pigtails and an Alolan-looking straw hat, she seemed very similar to the boy they both knew.

Nonetheless, they both seated themselves in front of the large windows.

"Wow, it's really clear today, isn't it?" Hau said.

"Yeah, it makes me want to gaze on the view forever," Gladion answered.

It was true. The sight of pokémon and people playing together, sometimes chasing each other, made any viewer relax. Plus, the gentle sunlight illuminated the whole beach warmly, so even though it was a little hot from comfortable, people were smiling in the heat. It was not that bad, really.

"Here are the malasadas you ordered~" The clerk told both of them, putting down their sweet and bitter malasadas.

"Thank you!" Hau shouted excitedly, digging into one of the sweet ones right away.

"Slow down, Hau. But I get you." Gladion bit into one of them, too, feeling its bitter aroma.

"What do you want to do next? I wish we could go to the beach, and play with our pokémon, even! That would be so exciting. You could show me your newly evolved Silvally!"

"Oh, yes. You haven't seen it before?"

"Yeah! Isn't that crazy? Sun just told me the other day! I would love to see him-I bet he's really cool!"

Gladion nodded, acknowledging. After they finished their malasadas, they went out to the now sizzling street.

"Wow, it became even hotter than when we first entered the store," Hau said, observing.

"That's true. You wanna go into the water, perhaps?"

"Sure! I've heard, we're allowed to surf here!"

They headed to the surf board rental place, which was a small wodden cabin near the water. Hau rentaled a medium-sized orange board with pink Alolan flowers drawn on it, and Gladion a large-sized black board with two red lines on it. When they hit the waters, they were pleasantly surprised by the cool temperature of the sea, enjoying themselves.

"This is so nice! I could spend all day in the water, Gladion!"

"Me too," Gladion replied casually, secretly thinking of Hau's cute overexaggeration.

But they did not know it would turn out to be true.

About when they were surfing for twenty minutes, delightfully, a giant wishiwashi rose from the bottom of the sea, in its intimidating school form. It jumped up, astonishing both of them, and engulfed Hau with his medium-sized board when he lost his balance over the water.

"Hau!!!!" Gladion shouted loudly, reaching for his hand, and Hau's hand reaching for Gladion, but the wishiwashi shut its mouth at that precise second, next thing diving right into the swirling water. When it hit the water, the enormous waves pushed Gladion out of the boundary of the sea, sending him flying into the scorching sands.

"Aw!! That's hot!" Gladion stood right back up, returning to the edge of the water. When he gazed over to the tumultuous sea, which was calming a little by now, he found no trace of the gigantic wishiwashi and his friend, Hau.

"No way..." He muttered to himself, disappointed. Inside of his head stormed with many questions-where did the wishiwashi take Hau to? Did the pokémon have an owner? What does he have to do to save Hau? Gladion did not have any water-type pokémon at the moment-but if he were to go to the pokémon center to pick one up from the pokémon bank, it would be too late. That's when he felt a light tap on his shoulders.

"Huh?" He whipped his head back, agitated.

"Do you want a help? I was watching from behind. Oh, don't get me wrong, it was not intentional! I just saw your friend being kidnapped by a wishiwashi, and I thought I'd help you. If you don't mind, that is."

It was the girl from before, who possessed kind grey eyes and a shiny black hair, and wore a straw hat. She smiled politely despite the abject situation, and Gladion could not help it but take her hand. Hau was endangered.

"Yes, I need your help."

"Okay, if it's decided, we're going right now! Better chase them before they get too far!"

She casually anounced and released her gyarados, which sparkled in red in sun. At once, she easily boarded the giant pokémon, Gladion following her next.

"Let's go!"


Just about when Gladion was going to point out that they did not have diving equipments, the girl ordered gyarados to plunge into the water, and they dove into the deep blue. Gladion tightly closed his eyes and waited to be taken his breath-but it did not go away. Slightly opening his eyes, he opened his mouth in surprise to see a giant, giant air bubble surrounding them.

"Wow, your pokémon can do this?" He spoke gladly.

"Yeah, it's a skill I had him learn a while ago. It's really convenient when you need to dive into the water to find something. Now, let's chase the wishiwashi. Gyarados, could you find the way the wishiwashi went?"

Saying so, the girl lightly tapped the pokémon twice. Letting out a long howl, the pokémon started swimming forward, and Gladion had to hold onto its body strongly as not to fall.

"Hmm. We're getting deep into the sea. If your friend did not have an air bubble, it must be hard for him."


"Hau? Isn't that the kahuna's son?"

"Yes. Do you know him?"

"No, but I've heard of him. He is said to be a very pleasant fellow. I would love to meet him after we rescue him!"

"Yeah, I'm sure he'll love that too. By the way, what's your name?"

"Me? My name is-"

Just then, they came across a giant castle that was submerged under the sea. They were shocked to see a much larger airbubble surrounding the whole thing, looking as if it were some sort of a barrier.

"What is this place?" The girl questioned, amazed and intrigued at the same time.

"I don't know, but we've got to move forward for now. Hau will be waiting for us."

"Okay. Thank you, gyarados, you may rest now. Just leave us off on the bottom of the sea, please."

She ordered gyarados to land on the very bottom of the sea, and returned it to the poké ball she was holding. Then, they entered the mysterious ocean palace together, eyeing suspiciously at the antique furniture and aged walls, searching for Hau's trace. 

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